Page 128 of Don't Hate Me

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“Well, youaregood at those things,” I said with a chuckle. “But that's not all you're good for. Remember, I am giving up my entire life for you. I could have easily just ended it multiple times and moved on to the next job. But because of you, I have… alifenow. I’m planning a future for the first time.”

Her eyes widen as she looked at me.

“What is our future?”

I leaned down and brushed my lips across hers.

“Whatever you want it to be,” I said. “As long as we are together safe and happy, it will be everything I need. I'll get you anything you want, give you the life that you deserve.”

“And you?” she asked. “What do you get out of this? Like you said, you’re leaving everything, won’t you resent me?

“Never,” I growled and forced my arms around her. I shifted so I was hovering over her, our skin brushing together.

“To be with you,” I said. “That's all I want.”


“You’re serious?” I whispered as Quinn shoved a spoonful of mashed potatoes in her mouth. “We can really go?”

After another day in the car, we were both ravenous.

I had expected her to mention the nightmare from last night, but she just got in the car and acted as if it never happened.

I was glad because, man, had it been embarrassing.

It had been some time since I had had a nightmare so powerful.

Usually they were images from the past. Traumatic memories that I couldn’t run fast enough from.

But last night had been—I repressed a shiver. It felt soreal. The heartbreak. The pain of watching her being torn away from me.

It only solidified what I had been feeling this whole time.

She raised an eyebrow at me, not bothering to reply until she took a few more bites of her food.

“What kind of girlfriend would I be if I denied you the opportunity to go to the arcade?” she said with a smile.

I looked around the almost empty diner. The sun had set long ago, and normally a place like this would be filled to the brim, but this diner just so happened to be on a long stretch of road in the middle of fucking nowhere.

I was more than just slightly uncomfortable, but Quinn seemed to be at ease.

Just like with the shitty motel we had stayed at the night before. Nothing seemed to bother her here.

Maybe it's because whatever threat of violence, no matter how serious, she was sure that she’d be able to take care of it.

I, on the other hand, still had panic attacks about my dead husband.

No matter how much training I had gone through with the Secret Service, no matter how many times I had faced down bad guys with guns, I still found myself looking over my shoulder at every possible moment.

So while I wanted nothing more than to go to the arcade, there was still a glaring target on our backs.

And after the nightmare, I just couldn't find it in myself to chance it.

“Aren’t you afraid they will…?”

She shrugged and leaned back into the booth. “It is unlikely they will come. Especially since the client is dead, there is no rush for your head.”

“So it was Russell, are you sure?” I asked.
