Page 133 of Don't Hate Me

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“Stay still,” one of them growled. The cold metal of the handcuffs fastening around my wrists caused me to jerk against them.

I kicked and fought as they pushed me out of the cell.

“I told you I wanted to call my lawyer,” I growled as two policemen escorted me down the hallway.

“For the last time,” the cop growled. “Shut thefuckup.”

It was a short walk from the cells to a dim hallway with marked doors on either side of us. They ranged from one to six, the shine from the metal letters on their door had worn off with age.

When they tried to push me into one, I fought again and attempted to scream, but a hand was placed over my mouth.

“Don’t make this harder for yourself,” one of them spat in my ear. “I don’t know what he wants with you, but once he gets it, he promised that we could dowhateverwe wanted with you.”

My blood ran cold.

He? Who the fuck is he?

I wanted to ask, but I couldn’t, not as they opened the door and forced me into it.

The room was completely dark as they slammed the door behind me. There was someone else in there. Someone I could feel in the darkness but couldn’t quite see yet.

They were waiting, watching in a way that made my skin crawl.

“I want my lawyer,” I repeated, my wrists straining against the cuffs as I tried to jerk my arms free.

A huff of laughter came from the darkness causing me to freeze. Light flooded the room as if on cue. I had to blink my eyes a few times to clear the spots, but when I finally did, time stopped.

What the fuck?

“She could have done better at trying to hide you if she really cared,” Senator Bennett said as he stood from his seat. He straightened his suit jacket and walked around the table, his dress shoes echoing through the room. “I have some questions that I would like you to answer.”

He looked far too dressed to be in a place like this and stood out like a sore thumb.

“Sir?” I asked, taking a startled step back.

What the hell was he doing here? This wasn’t him coming to bail me out or something?

I hadn't paid close attention to the map, but I knew we were nowhere near New York.

We had been driving fordays,sometimes through the night, only to stop for a few hours to get some sleep. There wasno wayhe could have gotten so close to me in such a short amount of time.

Not only that… who the fuck washeto get involved in something like this? If anyone, I expected my boss to come or someone who had been in charge of the people watching me for my entire time in witness protection… but the senator?

There was no good reason as to why he should be here.

Washethe person the policemen were referring to?

“First, I should thank you,” he said with a bitter laugh. “Who would have thought you would go as far as to kill Russell? I had tried many times to do it myself, but he always had too many men around him. Maybe I should have hired you instead.”

I swallowed thickly. I had so many questions but had no idea which one to start with.


He raised a brow at me. “How did I know you killed him or how did I know him? Be concise with your questions, Tiffany. I may be here to get this settled, but I won’t indulge you for long.”

His harshness caused a wave of nausea to run through me. I’ve gotten a bad vibe from him for months now… but never in a million years did I ever guess that he would be tied to Russell.

