Page 82 of Don't Hate Me

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I didn’t need to repeat it. She said it loud enough for him to hear.

“Great, get me the address for the file,” he said. “Take care of yourself and wait for me.”

He hung up before I could say anything.

Two agents came up to us, but Quinn didn’t dare move. Even went as far as staring them down as they got closer.

“Agent Yates,” one of them, whom I recognized, said with a smile. “You may want to put some clothes on for this conversation.”

Jesus Christ.I couldn’t do it. I need air, but no matter how much I gasped, I couldn’t get it to my lungs.

Quinn said something to them, and before I knew it, I was being lifted and carried to my room. I grabbed on to her for dear life, screwing my eyes shut as the tears started to come.

I was pried off of Quinn. My eyes shot open only to see her kneeling in front of me.

One of her hands pushed itself against my chest, the other against my back.

“Breathe,Blake,” she commanded. I tried to do as she said, but my body wouldn’t cooperate. All I got were short bursts of air that caused my head to spin.

“He won’t hurt you, Blake,” she vowed. “I am here, and I won’t let him hurt you. Okay? Nod if you understand me.”

I gave her a shaking nod. My hands found the one she placed on my chest and pushed it harder into me. I needed the weight. All of the panic from seeing him again caused my entire body to feel so light that it threatened to fly off into space.

“Do you want medicine?” she asked.

I shook my head. And motioned for the same bedside table she had been rummaging through. Her eyes widened, and she dove for it before pulling out the paper bags I kept in there for exactly something like this.

They were mostly reserved for the nightmares that still plagued me every once in a while, but we were lucky to have them for this moment.

She helped me open it before letting me grab it with a shaky hand and place it to my mouth.

I took a few breaths in and out before my head stopped swimming. I don’t know how much time had passed or how long she had stayed there while I breathed into the bag, but she never left my side throughout it all.

When I finally got myself calmed down enough to take the bag off, her face remained impassive.

“You said you didn’t have attacks often,” she noted.

It wasn’t the words that triggered me, it was a combination of things. It was seeing Russell again. It was waking up to her getting so close to the one secret I had keeping me alive.

It was more herbetrayalthan her sudden hero complex.

My hand stung as it came into contact with her cheek. Her head snapped to the side, a feral smile slowly spreading across it.

“I lied. I have nightmares,” I said. What I didn’t tell her was that the attacks had stopped since the night she stayed over. That the nightmares hadn’t come back and woken me up in the middle of the night causing me to dive for a bag and get my breathing under control since then either.

“I deserve it,” she said, running her hand through her hair. I hadn’t realized how much the weight comforted me until it was gone.

“Tell me something,” I demanded.

She raised a brow at me.

“You should get dressed and talk to your coworkers,” she said, her head jerking back toward the closed door. “We can talk at the safe house—”

“Justsomething,” I pleaded, hating how vulnerable my voice sounded. “I’m going crazy, just anything, please. I need something to focus on that’snothim.”

Her facial expression sobered before her eyes fell to my lap.

“I used to have nightmares sometimes when I was a child,” she admitted, her voice low.
