Page 83 of Don't Hate Me

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“About?” I asked.

She pushed her lips into a thin line. We were reaching territory she didn’t want to talk about.

“Death. Blood. But most of all, I had nightmares about what would happen if I wasn’t sold to the person I was sold to.”

All the thoughts about everyone else disappeared in that moment, and I looked at Quinn with wide eyes, horror filling my body so strongly that I couldn’t stop myself from grabbing her shoulder.

“What do you mean you weresold?” I asked in a whisper.

Her eyes searched mine.

“You’re recovered now,” she said and stood. “Get dressed. I’ll guard your door.”

I couldn’t call out to her as she walked away, I was too shell-shocked about what I had just learned.

What happened to her?


“You didn’t tell me she had a fucking husband,” I hissed into my phone. “Is he the client? Was he so worried I wouldn’t get it done in time that he decided to take matters into his own hands?”

I was fuming. My blood was boiling so hot that it threatened to overtake me. One wrong move, and I would explode all over everything and everyone in that goddamn place.

I had barely managed to keep a straight face when the agents pulled the man out of the room, but hearing Rolf’s voice?

The same voice that used to bring me some sense of security was now grating on my nerves.

How could he let me go into this without knowing? Why the fuck wasn’t any of this in her file?

I had killed significant others for less than the crimes we had been committing.

But knowing that she was married brought up a whole other slew of questions.

He staked his claim on her, but she seemed adamant that she wasn’t his wife. What was the truth?

Why was she with him in the first place?

“You know I can’t confirm any of that, agent.” His tone was just as annoyed as mine was.

I growled and almost threw my phone across the room, but that would definitely alert Blake. I was already pissed about the situation, but even more so that I let myself be overcome by the weakness I was feeling toward her and caused me to spill something I never should have.

Goddammit, Quinn, can you be any stupider?

“Well because of that, I need you to get me a safe house,” I said. “Blake needs to leave, and I offered her to stay with me.”

“That was stupid,” he said with a huff. “I don’t have anything for you—”

“You want her to see my trophies?” I asked, though it was more of a threat. I would take her home, we both knew it. It was up to him if he wanted to see this job through at this point.

There was too much happening which caused me to rethink everything about Blake.A husband? The USB? What the fuck was going on?

Rolf was silent on the other line before I heard him curse.

“You don’t keep them in like a freezer or something?” he asked.

I scoffed aloud. Now Rolf was acting like the dumbass? I was at my limit for the day.

“No,” I hissed. “You have to preserve them. You think I’d go through such trouble to just let them rot in there?”
