Page 40 of Scandalous Liaison

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And I made a promise that I would hunt down the motherfucker responsible and I would honor my father’s request.

Family first.

That had been a few weeks before. One month of laying my father to rest, staying by my brother’s bedside. At least Marcus had recovered, although our mother had aged significantly, Lucy continually having nightmares. Now I was toying with a woman who might offer me the opportunity to make good on my promise to my father.

I wasn’t certain what I was doing was in my family’s best interest.

But it would soothe the beast inside of me, the one that remained furious at everything that had happened.

“Earth to Kendrick. Where the fuck did you go?” Grayson asked.

Sighing, I rubbed my eyes then glanced at my watch. I’d fallen into a perfect situation with my need for revenge, yet I continued to feel hollow inside. That wasn’t like me in the least.

“I’m right here.”

“No, you’re thinking about the afternoon with your father.”

I had to laugh. “Am I that transparent?”

“Hell, yeah.”

“Tell me what you found on Suzannah.”

“Suzannah Warrington Caffrey went to college on the East Coast, Yale to be exact. She is a brilliant and creative woman who has a solid reputation within the travel industry, which was still a surprise in her family. Maybe her love of hospitality was fostered by the inns her father purchased. A few quaint ones in Napa that were struggling. Not any longer. At least from what I gathered going back and looking at her social media pages, she scrubbed her life of everything to do with the Warrington name. She has a genius level IQ, but the fact she was pushed out of the family business was likely part of the reason she was lured to Atlanta after receiving a job offer.”


“I sent you a picture. A stunning redhead.”

“Redhead? She’s a blonde.” If she went to the extreme of altering her hair, that meant she’d done everything she could to eliminate any connection to her family. Perhaps that’s why she’d kept her ex-husband’s name.

“Women do enjoy altering their looks, Kendrick.” Grayson’s laugh irritated the hell out of me. He was thoroughly enjoying my moment of surprise, something that rarely happened.

“And the husband?”

“Christian Caffrey is a bigwig in commercial real estate. He’s powerful, rich, and also has his fingers in several different pies, including the firm Suzannah works for. I think that’s why she kept his name after the divorce.”

“Which was how long ago?”

“Six months. The funny thing is that his bank accounts have become very low over the past few years.”

I could tell by the grin on his face the information was of some significance. “Meaning what?”

“Meaning in addition to being a womanizer, he got himself heavily involved in gambling.”

“Huh.” I couldn’t help but smile. “That’s something I’ll keep in the back of my mind.”

“You are a clever asshole, Kendrick,” Grayson told me. “This wedding should be fascinating for you. I doubt old man Warrington will be stupid enough to try and do anything. However, I’m glad you came to your senses and ordered some soldiers to make the trek across the country.”

Laughing, I glanced at my iPad, the video call on his insistence. “I can’t take any credit for it for being clever and the soldiers are to remain offsite initially. If I need their assistance, I will let them know. It would appear karma has decided to provide me with a break. I plan on using that to my advantage.”

“Need I remind you the hit was made on your father and brother in the middle of broad daylight?”

“You don’t need to remind me of anything, Grayson. I was there. Remember?”

“And I wasn’t, which is something I’ll regret for the rest of my life.”

“Even your protection wouldn’t have saved my father and you know that. He made himself a target that day. I’m certain of it.”
