Page 72 of Scandalous Liaison

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Rutherford exhaled, not bothering to turn around before speaking. “As I said before. You’re not welcome here. We have nothing to discuss. I know you’re attempting to expand in Napa. You’ll find the atmosphere unkind to those who aren’t from around here.”

“I’m certain I can negotiate the murky waters, Rutherford. That’s what I do best, which is why I’m worth so much money, my influence well known throughout the west. But first things first. It might come as a surprise, although somehow, I doubt it, that I’m engaged to be married to your daughter.” I noticed another young girl was watching from just inside the main room. When Suzannah moved beside her, I could see the resemblance. The two of them gave me a hard look then Suzannah whispered in the girl’s ear. The woman was obviously Serena.

Rutherford spun around, certainly not at all shaken. When he dared to walk closer, I was surprised. “I don’t know what hold you have over my daughter but it’s not going to fly. She will never marry you. I’ll die before I allow that to happen.”

His words made me laugh.

“I think it would be a very good idea if we had a discussion and clear the air so you can get on with the night’s festivities.” I wasn’t giving the man a choice and he knew it. “Man to man without your son. Besides, I doubt you want to face my wrath. As you might imagine, I’m still a little testy since my father’s murder.”

There was an odd look shared between the two of them. Now, why was my bubble almost burst, given it appeared they were shocked I was insinuating they had anything to do with it?

Steinbeck started to retort but his father threw out his arm, shaking his head. He knew I was deadly serious.

He would play by my rules first.

Then I’d allow his daughter to pick him apart piece by piece.

* * *


“What was all that about?” Serena demanded as she cornered Ashley and me at one of the two bars.

“And hello to you as well, sister of mine.” Every step I took, I was reminded that my lover had stolen my thong. I felt like a dirty little girl standing in the middle of such upstanding people while wearing nothing but heels and a fabulous dress. The tension from the wretched interaction remained but I was proud of myself for holding my own.

I’d also noticed how possessive Kendrick had been, acting as if snapping my brother’s neck wouldn’t have bothered him in the least. There was much more to our sinful relationship than a business arrangement.

Or maybe I was just hoping as much.

She shook her head. While she was close to turning twenty-one, she appeared older, as if the toll of continuing to live with our parents had been significant. She also looked nervous. Maybe she’d been warned not to provide me with tangible information. My guess was that Ashley hadn’t received the same passive-aggressive threat.

“Our father doesn’t like my plus one choice. Nothing more than that.”

“Who is he?” Her tone was more demanding than I’d ever heard it.

“He’s handsome, whoever he is,” Ashley added. “Did I hear you correctly that he’s your fiancé?”

I held up my left hand, wiggling my fingers. Then I scanned the room as the bartender filled my order. True to form, there were several A-list celebrities, movie moguls, corporate leaders, and politicians. My father was turning this into the event of the year. “His name is Kendrick Gregory. His family is from Kentucky and oh, surprise, they’re involved in similar industries as dearest Daddy.”

Ashley narrowed her eyes, obviously recognizing the name.

Serena opened her eyes wide. “Didn’t you just get divorced?”

“Six months ago.”

I could tell she was debating how to handle my answer as well as process what she’d heard. Then she threw her arms around me, pulling me close. “I’m sorry, sis. I’ve missed you. I thought you’d never come back to see me.”

“I’m back. Maybe for the duration.”

When she pulled away, I could tell my sister’s concern deepened. “You can’t. You hated it here. They’ll eat you alive.”

Ashley cleared her throat. “I’m getting married into your family in two days. Please don’t tell me I shouldn’t marry your brother.”

Both Serena and I turned toward her then shared another quick look. “I’m curious. How did you meet my brother?” I asked.

The smile on Ashley’s face was spontaneous. She was positively glowing with happiness. “Daddy insisted on taking me to the horseraces one day. He’d never asked me to go before so of course, I said yes. Steinbeck was there, handsome as could be. I accidentally tossed an entire fruity drink down the front of his crisp white shirt. I was mortified, turning fifty shades of crimson. He burst into laughter. We started talking and I haven’t left his side other than to go to class since we met. He’s wonderful, the man of my dreams. He asked me to marry him two weeks later.” She showed off her ring much like I’d done, only her excitement was genuine.

“Wow. That’s not like my brother,” I said, wondering if I would ever feel such utter joy. I noticed my brother standing inside the room, his eyes constantly darting toward us even while he mingled with his guests. He didn’t like the fact I was talking to his beloved fiancée.
