Page 8 of Scandalous Liaison

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“Shut up.” Great. Now I was yelling.

Today just happened to be one of those days where the wind shears were horrific, the plane bumping up and down in the air like an old-style wooden rollercoaster about ready to plummet off the aging rails. We’d barely taken off and the thunderstorm hit us so hard I was as electrified as the air outside. God, I could almost feel a panic attack coming on. I hadn’t been this bad in a long time.

A flash of neon blue lightning outside forced a strangled yelp from my mouth. I was mortified at the sound, furious with myself for showcasing my biggest fear.

Especially around the jerk.

“Don’t worry. The plane is one of the safest in the industry.”

Hearing the stranger’s voice again didn’t provide any comfort. In fact, just the opposite. I let out a deep breath but could barely move. I wanted to toss out a question like why would I think he’d care? Fortunately, I didn’t. “I prefer staying closer to the ground. Humans weren’t meant to fly.”

“Yet here you are. Mmm… A beautiful woman afraid of flying. That is a shame. Just try to take deep, even breaths.”

“I’m fine.” I was anything but fine and I sensed he knew it. This just couldn’t be happening to me.

“You’re more than fine. But if you continue breathing as you’re doing, you will hyperventilate or have a panic attack.”

While I wanted his voice to seem soothing, it was impossible. I was sucked into a strange vacuum, his voice echoing. Then I realized he was right. I needed to splash some cold water in my face, or I would pass out. Hell, no, that wasn’t going to happen.

I glanced up at the seatbelt sign and grimaced. It had yet to be turned off. Damn it. There was no chance I would survive even another five minutes.

With the plane still ascending, rocking like a motherfucker, I reached for my seatbelt, somehow managing to unclasp it. I could do this. I could… do… this. I took a deep breath but the moment I stood, two things happened. One, I almost did the unthinkable, passing out. And two, the nice flight attendant from before had turned into a venomous creature, heading toward me with a vile look on her face.

“Miss. You need to sit down. We’re experiencing significant turbulence.”

“No shit, Sherlock,” I spewed, taking a single step sideways. When the plane hit another rough patch, I was driven straight into the arrogant bastard’s lap.

And I’ll be damned if his cock wasn’t hard as a rock.

Oh, shit. Oh, shit. Oh. Shit.

As I struggled to right myself, the sudden protective side in the man took over and he wrapped his arm around me, keeping me close.

“Miss. You need to get back into your seat. Please. I don’t want you to get hurt.” While there was sympathy in her voice, she wasn’t kidding around.

“I think I’m going to be sick. You need to let me go to the bathroom,” I insisted, my stomach lurching and rolling. Oh, this was so bad, one of the most embarrassing moments of my entire wretched life. I was stiff as a board, barely able to move.

“Sit back down,” she instructed.

“I think you need to let the lady go to the bathroom. Here. I’ll take her.”

While I certainly wouldn’t consider the man chivalrous to any degree, at that point, I knew beggars couldn’t be choosers, especially since I wasn’t entirely certain I could ever walk again.

I heard myself blubbering as he lifted me off his lap, unsnapping his seatbelt much to the attendant’s chagrin.

“Sir. You can’t do that. You both need to get back into your seats. Now!”

Just hearing his growl brought a strange laugh into my throat. Maybe it had been the two glasses of champagne. Or maybe I’d just drifted into another dimension. Whatever the case, I was giddy as if drunk.

He managed to ease me into the tiny bathroom. Then he had the audacity to close and lock the door behind him.

Remaining inside.

“What are you doing? Get out!”

He grinned and spun me around, wrapping one hand around the back of my neck, sliding the other hand down my back ever so slowly, jerking me against him.

Then he proceeded to do the unthinkable.
