Page 30 of Broken Soul

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“I hurt you. You didn’t deserve it. I’m terrified I’ll do it again.” His forehead presses into mine. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t scared too. But I’m prepared to take a leap of faith with him.

“None of that matters now.”

“How can you say that?” He shakes his head.

“Because I think it needed to happen, Skid. You were taking such good care of me, I was relying on you far too much. I needed to learn to take care of myself. Yeah, it was a shock, and it was hard, but I’m a better person for it. I’m a better Mom for it too.”

“Well, that part can’t be argued.” Skid frowns, keeping us close. I wonder if he can tell that my whole body is pulsing for him. Craving to know how it feels to be with a man I actually want.

“I’m gonna make sure the two of you never have to worry again, you may not like how I gotta go about it but—”

“I want him dead,” I blurt the words out. “When I stabbed him, I prayed to God that it would kill him. That's why I never miss a Sunday in church. It’s why I was helping at that soup kitchen the night we met. I need God’s forgiveness.” Skid doesn’t show any shock from my confession. He nods his head, calmly accepting it.

“Men like him, they got a God complex, Ads. He won’t stop until he gets you back and I’ve lost too much to ever let that be an option.”

“And what about when this is over, what happens then?” I hold my breath while I wait for his answer.

“I don’t know. I’m gonna need time and some patience. But I like how it’s playin’ out.” He kisses my forehead before he starts making my tea, and then we take a seat at the table together and drink it in silence.

I enjoy being in his company again.

“Ishould really get hold of Nora,” Addison says thoughtfully as she clears the breakfast table. I watch her, wondering how she makes normal day-to-day activities so intriguing. “Are you even listening to me?” She waves her hand in front of my face.

“Yeah, Nora…”

“She’s our neighbor. Your friend left her in charge of his house after you…” She smiles awkwardly before glancing at Charlie. “Well, she’s been good to us. She helps me take care of Charlie while I work. I’ll bet she’ll be worried.”

“You wanna call her?”

“I don’t have her number.” Addison bites her lip and wrinkles up her nose at me.

“What?” I laugh.

“I don’t have a cell phone. Never needed one. The less people I get close to the better.” I feel a little sad hearing that. Back when she was pregnant I got her a burner phone so she could call me if she needed anything, I guess when I left she didn’t have use for it anymore.

“I’ll call by your neighbor's place and let her know you're both okay when I pick up more of your stuff later,” I assure her, watching Charlie run his finger over the maze that’s on the back of the cereal box.

“Do you mind?” Addison smiles through her teeth like she’s worried she’s a burden.

“It ain’t a problem, just get me a list of what else ya need, and I’ll make sure I get the message to her.”

“She’s not exactly welcoming at first, she’s opinionated, and I’m not sure how she’s gonna take to a big, bearded biker turning up at her front door,” Addison explains as she scribbles down more stuff she needs and tears it off the notepad. She holds it up between her fingers for me.

“Guess we’ll see.” I snatch the paper from her and kiss her on her lips. It’s not until I hear a little giggle come from behind me, and see Addison blushing, that I realize how naturally doing it came to me. I didn’t consider the fact her son’s still in the room. It makes me blush a little before I turn around and face the kid.

“And don’t think you’re gonna be watchin’ cartoons all day, either. I got Jasmine pickin’ ya up to do some schoolin’ with her back at her place, while your mama here speaks to Grace.” I try to distract him from the fact I just kissed his mom right in front of him.

“Grace?” Addison looks surprised and I move her away from Charlie so I can explain.

“Grace is a trained counselor. The club needs as much information about the cult as we can get. She has a much kinder nature in gettin’ that information than I ever could. She’s calm and understandin’. It’s gonna be hard for you to talk about your past, but it’s essential. Especially if ya want us to get your sister out.” I can tell by the look on her face that she’s scared, but she puts on a brave smile and nods at me regardless.

“I’m outta here.” I grab my cut from the back of the chair and swing it over my shoulders.

“You gonna kiss her again?” Charlie looks up from his cereals with a cheeky little grin on his face.

“You got a problem if I do?” I ask him straight.

“Nope.” His eyes glance between me and his mom.
