Page 43 of Broken Soul

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She tastes of cookie dough, and when her arms wrap around my neck, keeping her hands stretched out to try and avoid getting the flour from them in my hair, I know the choice I made this morning was the right one.

“You sure it will be safe if Abraham is still—” I silence her by placing my finger over her lips.

“You're safe with me. Charlie is safe at Nyx and Ella’s place. We’re gonna go out and we’re gonna have a good time.”

“Then I better try and make myself a little more presentable.” She looks down at her shirt that’s covered in flour and when she goes to walk away, I pull her back and lift her onto the kitchen counter.

“I could get used to havin’ you in my kitchen like this,” I confess, sliding my hand behind her ear and brushing the flour from her cheek away with my thumb.

“I could get used to being in this kitchen like this.” She smiles back at me like she’s happy, and knowing I’m part of the cause of it makes me feel real fuckin’ good inside.

“Ready!” Both our heads turn when we hear the little voice come from behind me and I quickly pull away while Addison slides herself off the counter.

“Me and Skid were just…” She blushes as she dusts off her shirt, and Charlie shakes his head and laughs at her as he drags his backpack over to the table.

“You got something to put these cookies in?” he asks her, seeming completely unfazed.

“I’m gonna grab a shower.” I laugh as I pass him and shake up his hair in my hand again.

* * *

“You okay with me walkin’ you up to Dylan’s place while your mom gets ready?” I ask Charlie. I want him to feel comfortable around me, and since I don’t know much about kids, I figure this is a good time to start.

“Yeah.” He nods enthusiastically, pulling his rucksack off the table and fixing it on his shoulders.

“Skid’s gonna walk me up to Dylan’s,” he calls through to the bedroom where Addison’s blow drying her hair.

“Come give me a kiss,” she calls back, and after rolling his eyes at me he rushes off to say goodbye to his mom properly.

When he comes out, I open the door and lead the way up to Nyx’s place at a much slower pace than usual so he can keep up with me.

“You really like my mom, don’t you?” he asks when we get out of the yard and start making our way up the track toward the lodges.

“I like your mom,” I confirm.

“She likes you. I can tell from the way you make her smile,” he tells me, letting his fingers brush through the overgrown grass that lines the track. “Mom doesn’t have many friends, ‘cept for Mrs. Taylor next door. She comes to tea on a Tuesday.”

“You got many friends, kid?” I ask, curious to what kinda life this little boy has, and what he thinks about all of this.

“Not really. Mom says I shouldn’t let people know our business.”

“You can make friends without people knowin’ your business.” I chuckle back at him.

“It’s not just that, I know Mom gets scared. She keeps a suitcase under her bed in case we have to run from the bad man. No point me making friends if we’re gonna run.” He shrugs.

“And what do you know about the bad man?” I stop walking and crouch down to his level.

“I know he makes Mom cry in her sleep. I know she’s scared of him. And that's why I can’t be,” he tells me, his eyes focusing on his hands as they fiddle with the strap of his backpack.

“You listen to me.” I lift his chin with the crook of my finger.

“I’m gonna tell you this, man to man.” Charlie focuses his eyes on me curiously.

“Everyone is allowed to be afraid. It’s what makes us human. But you're here now, and I’m your friend. Around here, friends take real good care of each other and I would never let anyone hurt you or your mom, not ever. D’ya hear me?”

“I hear ya.” He smiles at me proudly before I straighten myself up and continue our journey.

“What are you afraid of?” He looks up at me thoughtfully.
