Page 44 of Broken Soul

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“Not learnin’ from my mistakes,” I answer honestly as I take his little hand in mine and guide him up the hill.

“You look incredible.” Skid has his shoulder propped against the bedroom door when I look in the reflection of the mirror. He pushes himself off the frame and comes at me when I turn around. Kissing me as if this has become our normal.

“How about we skip drinks and take advantage of an empty house?” I suggest when the little tingle his lip causes turns into a needy throb.

“Not a chance. I wanna get ya outta here. I want you to drink some wine and laugh like you ain’t got a care in the world,” he tells me in between kisses.

“And then?” I pull back and look at him expectantly.

“And then I’m gonna bring you home and let you scream as loud as you want to.” He kisses me one more time, before grabbing my jacket off the bed and taking my hand so he can drag me through the living room and out the door.

“We’re taking the bike?” I halt completely when I see him heading right for it.

“Yeah, darlin’.” He laughs at me.

“I don’t know, it seems kinda dangerous, and I—”

“It ain’t dangerous the way I ride,” I cut her off, pulling her close to me and soothing her cheek. “You can’t be an old lady and not ride the saddle.”

“So, that’s what I am now?” I check, wondering what has happened to change him so suddenly. He’s gone from pushing me away to giving me everything and I’m scared realization is gonna hit real soon like it did before. I can’t be a replacement for the wife he lost.

“I want ya to be,” he tells me, his tone turning softer and his expression suddenly serious.

“And you don’t think all this is a bit fast?” I bite my lip, hoping that testing the waters isn’t gonna break him.

“Maybe, but it feels right, don’t it?” The way he searches my face for an answer seems almost vulnerable.

“Yeah, it feels right.” I nod. Things always feel right when I’m with him.

“I’m trusting my instinct here, Ads, and it’s screamin’ at me to let you in and allow myself to be happy. Do you trust me?”

Skid smiles when I nod my head at him, then kissing my forehead he straddles his bike.

I’ve never ridden a bike before and the ride we take into town is far too exhilarating for me to be nervous. Skid pulls to a stop outside a bar and offers his hand to help me off the back once he’s kicked down his stand. The place is busy, with a fun atmosphere that hits the second we walk through the door. It reminds me a little of the bar I worked at when I first arrived in Fountain. As Skid leads me across the floor toward an empty table I feel the eyes of everyone in the place following us. Most of the men in here seem to lower their heads respectfully at him and I’m assuming it’s because he’s still wearing his cut.

“Is everyone in town afraid of the club?” I ask under my breath as he pulls out a chair for me to sit on.

“Only the ones who got shit to fear,” he points out as he takes the seat opposite. “Most people appreciate what we do,” he explains.

“And what exactly is it that you do?” I ask, wondering how a group of men who are so feared can be so thoughtful and kind.

“We keep the town safe, we like to protect the place where we live. ‘Specially now the brothers have started makin’ families.”

“So, you're the good guys?” I check, watching the way Skid’s eyes flit around the room like he’s checking for something.

“I wouldn’t say that. We’ve all done some pretty fucked-up things. The shit we do ain’t legal, but we do it with integrity.”

“I believe you.” I nod my head before a waitress interrupts us to take our order.

“I’ll take a water and…” Skid looks at me for a response.

“I’ll have one of those too.” I smile at the waitress.

“Nah, tonight you're cuttin’ loose. I’m only drinkin’ water because I’ve gotta ride you back.”

“Skid, I don’t really drink. I don’t know what to order,” I whisper under my breath, blushing at the very patient waitress.

“She’ll take a white wine and soda,” he orders for me, sending the waitress on her way with a nod of his head.
