Page 48 of Broken Soul

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“Why?” Her voice quivers.

“Because there are some people who are tryin’ to kill me. People who have connectionseverywhere.”

“Why me? Why are you here?” She looks up at me and I can already see her fear transforming into sympathy, maybe even a little desire.

“Do you not feel it, Jenna?” I take her hand in mine and hold it tight. “We have a connection.” She takes her time responding but when she nods her head at me and smiles, I know that not only have I got her, but I’ve got a real nice place to lay low while I heal.

Four Weeks Later

“Hey, Mom.” I leave Rogue in the workshop and head into the office so I can speak to her without Rogue judging me.

“How are you?” she asks cheerily.

“I’m good, real good in fact,” I answer honestly, thinking about how amazing the past few weeks have been. I’ve gotten used to having Addison and Charlie around. I like sharing my cabin with them, and although Tripp is taking his time in getting close enough to the village to come up with a plan of action, having them here and keeping them safe has become a comfort to me in itself.

“And how’s Carly?” Mom douses all my enthusiasm with just one sentence. I close my eyes and take a deep breath.

“She’s great. Did ya get the letter she sent you a few months ago?” I look at Rogue through the glass window. She’s shaking her head at me because she knows what I’ll be saying, and all I can do is shrug my shoulders helplessly. Rogue’s the only person that knows I haven’t told my mom what happened. She’s the only person that needs to. It’s her who helps me keep up the facade by writing the letters and speaking down the phone when I need her to. She hates having to do it, but she loves me, which is why she never says no.

“I did, it was lovely. And how about your brother, have you heard from him?”

“Tobias is good. He’s got a fishin’ job in Alaska. I’m sure he’ll be in touch soon.” I think about the fucker and the fact he could only be a few hours away. Mads found out there was a John Doe that discharged himself from St Michael’s Hospital who matched his description last month and ever since I’ve had the urge to jump on my bike and go looking for him there myself. But I can’t leave Addison right now, she’s too vulnerable, and she needs me here.

“This is your brother, I doubt it. I haven’t heard from him in years. I don’t think he even knows how to get hold of me.” Mom laughs, though I can picture the sad smile on her face.

When me and Chop joined the club we both decided to keep it a secret. Dad wasn’t a well man and Mom was his carer, the last thing we wanted was for her to be worrying about us too. Dad died two years after we moved out here, and we both encouraged Mom to move to Australia to be closer to her sister when she suggested it.

The whole club got shook up when Mary-Ann died. It made everyone a little more cautious about their families and the backlash being a member of the club could cause. I suggested moving Carly away too, but she wouldn’t hear of it. She was never gonna be driven out of her hometown outta fear.

I sensed even back then that Chop had done unthinkable things before we came here. It broke my heart the thought of Mom being so far away, but it kept her safe and I knew lying to her about who we had become would be so much easier.

I don’t need Rogue to tell me that it ain’t right how I've kept what happened to Carly from her too. But I also know that finding out her son is a monster will crush her. After years of taking care of Dad and being selfless, she doesn’t need to be burdened with that.

“You know what he’s like, can’t stay still too long.” I try and sound casual, though it’s hard to do when the words come out through my teeth.

“Did he take Tommy with him?” Mom asks.

“No, Tommy’s still with me. He’s doin’ real good,” I assure her.

“I miss you. You and Carly should visit here sometime. I think she’d really like it.”

“Sounds great, Mom, I’ll talk to her about it.” I feel that sting in my chest when I pass her off with the same old line. Carly would have loved to go to Australia, she only ever met Mom once and that was on our wedding day. Mom spent the entire day telling her how beautiful she was. It’s not fair that Carly will never get to go to Australia.


Mom calling me by my real name shakes me out of my thoughts. It seems like so long ago I heard it.

“Yeah?” I scrub my hand over my face and focus back on our conversation,

“Tobias is okay, isn’t he? You’d tell me if he was in any kind of trouble.”

“He’s fine, Mom, you don’t have to worry,” I lie all over again, reminding myself that my untruths are told out of kindness. “Look, I gotta go, the garage is busy and we’re not supposed to take personal calls durin’ business hours. I’ll speak to ya soon, yeah?”

“Yes, sweetheart, speak soon. I love you.”

I picture her kind, warm face.

“I love you too, Mom.”

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