Page 49 of Broken Soul

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Hanging up the phone, I toss it at the desk and slouch back in my chair, staring at the damn thing while I slide a finger over my lips. Rogue lets herself in, standing in front of me with her arms crossed over her chest like she’s got something to get off it.

“Don’t look at me like that.” I shake my head and reach for my smokes.

“Don’t you think it’s about time that you told Mama Hellraiser that her son killed your wife?”

“No, Rogue, I don’t think there’s ever a good fuckin’ time to tell someone that. You know why I do this. I’m protectin’ her. If she thought her own son was capable of something like that it would destroy her.”

“Protecting her or protectinghim?” Rogue questions, tilting her head.

“What you're suggestin’ is pathetic.” I swivel round in the chair to avoid eye contact with her, and she steps around the desk and grabs both its arms, leaning over me so I can’t get away from her.

“Almost as pathetic as whatyou’redoing.” She makes it real impossible for me to avoid her when she gets nose-to-nose with me.

“Rogue, drop it,” I warn. “We need to get back to work.” I move to stand up, surprised when she actually takes a step back to allow me some room. I make my way back into the workshop and get another shock when Brax rushes in and shoulder barges past me.

“Quick, she’s comin’!. Don’t just stand there, throw me some fuckin’ overalls.” He looks around desperately until Rogue tosses him some spares from the back room.

“What the fuck’s goin’ on?” I watch him fumbling to get his legs in them before he shoves his hand inside the hood of the Chevrolet I’ve been working on, getting his hands dirty with grease and then smearing his finger over his face like he’s some kinda football player.

“What the…?”

“If Grace asks, I’ve been here all mornin’.” He points his finger between us both.


“I just needed some time out from all the hormones. Pregnant women are crazy. Overdue pregnant women are another lev… Hey honey, what ya doin’ here? You should be restin’.” He fakes a smile as he pushes me out the way and heads to the front of the garage where Grace is now standing with Addison and Charlie.

“I don’t want to rest, Brax, I want this baby to come.” Grace looks ready to commit murder, so I hang back.

“We just did a lap of the compound. I heard walkin’ helps,” Addison adds enthusiastically, though the smile drops from her face when she looks at me.

“You’ve got that ball thingy Riley gave you,” Brax reminds her, rubbing the bottom of her back with the hand that isn’t covered in oil.

“I’ve bounced on that thing for two days straight, nothing's working.” Grace is tearful and clearly uncomfortable, and Addison shows she sympathizes with her with a sad smile.

“You’re bouncing on the wrong thing if you want to get that baby evicted.”

“Jesus Christ,” Brax utters under his breath when Rogue steps outta the office to join us.

“What you really need to be doing is bouncing on his di—”

“Okay.” I slam my hand over Rogue’s mouth at the same time as Addison covers Charlie’s ears, and when the feisty little bitch bites me, it fuckin’ hurts.

“I’m just tryin’ to help a girl out.” Rogue looks at me and shrugs.

“Since when did you become a gyno?” Brax shakes his head and laughs at her.

“Everyone knows it’s what you do. It’s scientifically proven. There’s something in the jizz that makes you…” Rogue puts her finger inside her cheek and flicks it to make a popping sound.

“Fuckin’ hell, Rogue, do you have an off switch?” Brax scowls at her.

“Come on, Charlie, let’s go see what Marilyn’s got left over from breakfast.” Addison quickly steers Charlie away from the conversation and heads across the yard.

“Actually, we already tried that,” Grace confesses, her cheeks turning red.

“Well, clearly you're doing it wrong. Maybe Braxy here needs to be a little moreforceful.” Rogue wiggles her eyebrows at him, making the vein in his neck stick out like a tunnel.

“You know, she may have a point,” Grace says thoughtfully, causing Brax’s head to slowly turn toward her.
