Page 69 of Broken Soul

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“I gotta get this shit with Abraham cleared up before it does.”

“I hear ya, brother. You heard from Tripp?”

“Not in a few days.”

“You know him, he’ll sit on a target as long as he has to, and with this one, we need to be sure.”

“Yeah, well, he has no idea what the target looks like. Addison swears she saw the old fucker a few weeks ago when I took her out. He could be back there, he could be close by. I just don’t know, and I hate that.” I scratch my hand through my beard.

“You were hopin’ he’s headed back home?” Jessie proves he can read me like a book.

“I’m gonna kill him on his territory, not ours. I’m gonna kill every single one of those bastards, includin’ the man who calls himself her father. They’re writin’ rules that suit their agendas and selling it as God's plan. I need to know that no one who feels entitled to take Addison and her son is left livin’.

Jessie nods his head at me, he knows there ain’t a man in this Charter that wouldn’t do the same if it was their old lady in danger.

“Can you find someone to help Rogue out for an hour? I gotta go make a house call.”

I’ve still not gotten hold of Nora, and since I had three back-to-back missed calls from her I figure whatever it was she had to tell me was important.

“I’ll help her myself, it’s ‘bout time I got my hands dirty.” He winks as I step out of my overalls and hand them over to him. Then I grab my cut and head out to my bike.

* * *

I arrive outside Nora's house twenty minutes later. She doesn’t answer and when I twist the handle and find that it’s unlocked, I let myself in. There’s no sign of her anywhere, which is strange. Her car’s on the drive and her TV is blasting. The spare key I gave her to Addison’s house all those years ago is missing from her key rack by the back door, so that's where I head next.

I notice Addison's front door is ajar when I step up onto her porch and it makes a creepy creaking sound when I push it open.

“Nora!” I call her name and still get no response.

“Nor…” The rest of her name gets stuck in my throat when I turn the corner into the kitchen and find her. The table’s been pushed up against the wall so her lifeless body could be laid out in a star shape. Her throat’s been slit open and what chills me to the fuckin’ bone, are the words that have been written in blood on the kitchen cupboard behind her.


I stumble back as I take out my phone and dial Jessie.

“Where’s Addison?” I ask, my chest feeling like it’s being crushed.

“You okay?” he asks.

“Where the fuck is she, Jess?” I yell back at him.

“Relax, I just came in for a coffee and she’s right here helping Jasmine with the twins and Faith in the clubhouse. What’s wrong?”

I breathe a sigh of relief. “Don’t let her outta your sight, not even to go back to the cabin.”

“Skid, what the fuck’s gone down?”

“You didn’t send Grimm to L.A. yet, did ya?” I check.

“No, why? Skid, you’re worrying me.”

“I need ya to send him to Addison’s place. Nora’s dead. They fuckin’ killed her.”

“Jesus Christ.” Jessie sounds stunned.

“Not a word to Addison, she ain’t to know yet.”

“I hear ya and I’ll get Grimm on his way to ya.” I don’t respond, just hang up the phone and stare at the body on the floor, sadness and anger creeping through my veins while I try to stay focused.
