Page 70 of Broken Soul

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That fucker came here, into her home, again, and he took the life of the person I had watching out for her.

I move on autopilot, out the door, and back outside to my bike. I make the journey into town with my head only focused on one thing and when I pull my bike up outside the tattoo studio, I march right on in to find Nyx.

“Could ya draw someone if you’d never seen them,” I interrupt him from the tattoo he’s putting on the girl who works across at the deli.

“Skid, you good?” Nyx places down his tattoo gun.

“You know, like those people who work for the cops and take the witnesses' descriptions and turn them into a sketch.”

“I could try.” He shrugs, still looking puzzled by my intrusion.

“I need ya to come and talk to Addison right now.” I grab the sketchbook that’s on the desk. “I think you could draw me what I’m lookin’ for.” I head for the girl who’s sitting in the chair with half a lotus inked on her ankle.

“Sorry, darlin’, we’re closed for the day.” I grab her purse and the only jacket that’s on the hook by the door before I start guiding her out.

“Skid, what the fuck?” Nyx stares at me like I’ve lost my mind.

“Come on, we gotta get back to the club. Hayden, be ready to make a move.” I point my finger at him before I coax Nyx out the door with me.

Isit in the van about 300 yards away from the tattoo studio and watch my brother come out with Nyx a few minutes after he entered. Skid seems on edge, maybe he’s heard that I got myself a plane to Mexico and really was hell-bent on killing me after all. It was the only thing I used Jenna’s card for. I knew that smart little bitch who gets Jessie’s balls all in a twist would have tracked the phone that I sent my brother his “parting” gift from. I also knew she would have made it her business to find out every last detail about the woman who it belonged to. That's why I paid for that cargo plane to take me to Mexico. What she won’t have known is that the plane left and I didn’t.

I stare out the windshield at the town I used to call home and wonder how things might have been if I took another path. If I’d have asked Carly out for a drink that day instead of trying to be decent. Would she have fallen in love with me instead of him? Would that intensity I’d felt for her eventually have died off? Would she have ever become a bore to me? I guess I’ll never know.

I wait a few minutes for them to get a head start before I follow them, and I’m glad I do because if I hadn’t I would have missed what I’m seeing now.

One of the club cages pulls up outside the hardware store. Grimm gets out, slamming the door before he heads inside and when the white Mercedes screeches to a halt behind him, I see Rogue.

She gets out and chases him with a wallet, that I assume belongs to him, held up in her hand.

I never had Rogue pegged as the settling-down type. Even when me and my brother took her in and gave her a job, she remained closed off… to everyone but Skid of course. Skid was a good teacher, he kept calm, explained things clearly, and took a hella lot of pride when he saw her get something right. While I took more of a tough love approach with her.

I could tell from the day I first saw her that she was gonna be a stunner, the kinda gal who could have any guy she wanted. I took pity on her for that. I’ll bet she’s forgotten half the shit I taught her, like how to throw a decent punch, and how to hotwire a car. Where Skid put her on a pedestal, I kept her humble by pulling her up on the mistakes she made. I watched that little tomboy grow into a woman, with perfect tits that weren’t fake, and a firecracker attitude that would bring any man to his knees. Then on her eighteenth birthday, I taught Rogue a lesson that she never would forget.

To trust no one.

I don’t think I’ve ever come the way I did while I was inside her tight, little pussy. There’s no better feeling than taking someone’s power. Rogue has had a hard exterior since the day she rocked up at the club, but I saw right through it. I held off for a real long time before I gave in to the urge I had to break through that shield. I got fed up with the way she’d look at Skid like he was some kinda God and all the little inside jokes they had together. I wanted to take what he’d worked so hard on and ruin it.

After I fucked Rogue, I never expected to see her again. I assumed she’d run away and take her issues elsewhere. Turns out she was made of stronger stuff than I gave her credit for. She arrived at work that very next day, acting as if nothing ever happened. It was almost as if she was testing me, playing her own game, but I knew I was the real victor. I knew that from the tiny flinches she’d make whenever I got close. Sometimes I’d catch her staring at the spot where I took her, I’d wonder if the twisted little bitch was going over it in her head. I’d smile at her when she came out of those little trances, and that was where I’d find her most beautiful. When she was lost in her nightmares, a nightmare where I was the monster and Skid couldn’t save her.

I was the one she shared a secret with now. One she’d take to the grave with her because she was so repulsed by it.

I watch her and Grimm come back out of the store together. Grimm tosses the brown paper bag on the seat of the truck after he’s opened the door and Rogue pulls on the lapels of his cut, kissing him like they’re never gonna see each other again. I could make that possible.

Grimm never was good for much other than cleaning up. I could kill him blindfolded with one arm tied behind my back. I’ll bet that would really hurt her. I can see from the way her pretty blue eyes sparkle that she’s in love with him. It makes me question how much you can take from a person before they snap.

Rogue’s destruction would really be one to watch, she wouldn't go quietly, she’d burn down the whole world and take it with her. I chuckle to myself as I restart the engine. Then I drive right past the little bitch. Her eyes follow me, staring through the tinted glass as if she can see right through it. Rogue may think she has some kinda super power but she don’t. The night I taught her that lesson she’d looked just like every other helpless victim I’ve encountered when I was finished with her. But seeing her happy makes me wonder if I really am finished with her. Seems to me there's more for me to take…

“His eyes are a little closer together,” I explain to Nyx, who takes the eraser he has wedged between his fingers and makes the correction to the sketch he’s been very patiently doing for the past forty-five minutes. I don’t know what happened to Skid while he was out, but he’s come back in a completely different mood to how he left. He’s agitated and jumpy, and I can tell from the way the other brothers are acting that something’s not right.

It hasn’t been easy watching a man who terrifies me re-form right before my eyes, and when Nyx holds up his final sketch and I see an almost photographic likeness to Abraham, I rush off my chair and head straight to the bathroom. Skid marches in right behind me, his large heavy hands rubbing my shoulders as I spew my guts up into the toilet basin.

“I’m sorry, darlin’, I know this can’t be easy on you.” He helps me back onto my feet when I’m done, then runs some cold water for me to splash on my face.

“You need to tell me what’s going on, where’s all this suddenly come from?”

“I need to know what he looks like,” Skid tells me, wiping under my eyes with the pads of his thumb.

“Tripp needs to know what he looks like so he can look out for him comin’ to and from the village.”
