Page 7 of Broken Soul

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“Just keepin’ you on ya toes.” I nod as I take a booth and watch her pour me a flat black.

It’s been two weeks since I showed up at the Dirty Souls compound with Tommy and Skid, and just like Clunk told me they would, the Souls have welcomed us with open arms. They were happy with the skill set we got too, the garage at the compound is well equipped and, hopefully, my age and the fact I can bring in a legit income for the club will help shorten my prospect probation. Ain’t no way I’m gonna get the Bastards the information I need until I’ve got a seat at the table.

I decided to keep the arrangement I have with the Bastards from Tristan. He thinks The Souls were part of my original plan and that they are the biker gang I brought us here for. It’s my safest option. My brother has never been good at lying.

The Soul brothers have really taken to him. But that’s hardly a surprise, Tristan has always had a way of luring people in. It ain’t just charm, it’s something that goes way beyond that. My brother seems to have an empathy for other people's feelings. He genuinely cares about the people he surrounds himself with, and what's sad about it, is that one day that quality will probably be his ruin. I don’t like lying to him, but right now he’s an asset to my plan, and I know he would never agree with my decision if I’d told him the truth.

“You want me to get you those pancakes?” Carly takes out her tiny notepad and slides the pencil from behind her ear.

“That's what I come here for.” I wink and lie to her at the same time. Truth is, I come here every weekday morning to see her. Those big, green eyes have been on my mind ever since the first day I saw ‘em.

“Coming right up,” she chirps, turning around and heading off.

As I sit back and look out the window, I think about the future I could make here in Manitou Springs and how much better Carly would look serving me these pancakes in a kitchen of our own.

Carly returns ten minutes later with my order and I tuck straight in. I got some work to do on my bike today, club rules are strict, and to be a member you have to have put your own together. All of Jimmer Carson’s rules are a little stupid, in my opinion. I’d heard enough about the Bastards over the years to know I wanted to be one. Who wouldn’t want the life of a 1 percenter? Where you get pussy on tap and a constant feed of fuckin’ chaos?

The Souls are outlaws just the same, but Jimmer runs his club a little more morally than the Bastards do. He’s smart, I’ll give him that, but I can’t help thinking his rules are a little too restrictive for a man like me.

“You done here?”

I turn my head when I hear her voice again, and that warm smile I see seeps inside all the crevices of my cold, black soul and makes it burn.

“Yeah, I’m done.” I wipe off my mouth with a napkin before screwing it in my fist and tossing it at the plate.

“You must have hated ‘em.” She giggles and her words make the smile instantly drop off my lips. I see their faces. Their wide, scared eyes bulging from their sockets. Purple skin and shocked expressions. I did fuckin’ hate ‘em. They all pushed me too far.

“Tobias?” Carly places her hand over mine and it makes me go rigid.

“Your pancakes, you must have hated ‘em, I was making a joke.” She picks up my empty plate and makes a nervous giggle.

“Yeah, they were god damn awful.” I snap myself out of it, angry at myself for letting those whore bitches ruin the limited time of the day I get to appreciate her.

“Carly.” I quickly grab her wrist to stop her from walking away, and when her shocked eyes blink back at me like a deer in the headlights, all their screams ring in my ears. I feel Carly’s pulse thumping against my fingertips just like theirs did when I stole their last breaths, and suddenly I release her.

“I’m sorry.” I stand up, nearly knocking her over as I get outta the booth and barge past her toward the door.

“Wait, what did you want?” The stupid, naive bitch comes running after me, managing to catch up with my strides before I make it out the door. When I spin back around to face her, I’m reminded of how tiny she is. Her head doesn't even make it past my chin. It makes the choice I’m about to make even more justified.

“Nothing.” I shake my head, deciding that she will be saved. I won’t drag her into my depravity, I won’t steal her light.

The club I’m becoming a part of may have that family vibe, but it’s still a dangerous place and I’m a dangerous man. I don't know where it’s come from, but I got an urge to protect this young, sweet girl from anything bad, and that includes me.

“Goodbye.” I manage a smile for her before I force myself out the door.

Now I’m gonna need to find a new fuckin’ diner.

“Be nice,” I warn Rogue as she scowls across the yard at Addison.

I dropped her and Charlie down here when I came to do my shift at the garage, figuring that spending some time with the other girls would do her some good.

“I’malwaysnice,” Rogue bites back sarcastically as she snatches the wrench outta my hand and gets to work.

I watch as Dylan hands Charlie his ball, and smile when I notice how the girls go out their way to make Addison feel welcome. I sent a text to the boys this morning asking them to have a word with their old ladies. She’s not ready to be bombarded with questions just yet, and I know the girls can be as curious as they are inviting. The last thing I want is for Addison to feel railroaded and not want to be here anymore.

“So, how long have you liked her for?” Rogue interrupts me from staring at her.

“I don’t like her… Not like that, anyway.”
