Page 8 of Broken Soul

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“Bullshit. I’m not fuckin’ blind, Skid, I can tell from the way you’re lookin’ at her. You have the hots for her,” she sings as she flaps a dirty rag in my face.

“Well, you're wrong. I got a lot of admiration for the girl, but nothin’ like you’re thinkin’. She’s strong and independent, she’s doing a good job of raisin’ that kid too.” I watch how she encourages Charlie to play with Dylan by kicking the ball herself. “Her comin’ here would have been a big deal for her.”

“You figure out what she’s here for yet?” Rogue downs tools and rests her ass against the hood like she wants to get into this with me.

“Didn’t Grimm warn ya? I said no quest—”

“If you’re referring to that stupid message you sent out to the boys this morning, I shouldn’t have to be reminding you thatIdon’t fall into that category. If I want answers, I’m gonna ask. Now, what's her deal?”

I shake my head and admit defeat. Ain’t no use prolonging the agony when it comes to Rogue.

“I ain’t entirely sure right now—and thatisthe truth,” I add when she gives me a look that tells me she ain’t buying it.

“All I know is that the kid’s dad’s lookin’ for him, and he’s dangerous. For now, that's all I need to know. Same goes for you, and them.” I nod my head out toward the group of old ladies that have gathered around Addison.

“You gonna kill him?” Rogue wiggles her eyebrows at me.

“If I have to,” I answer without any hesitation, surprised she even had to ask.

“How?” Her eyes find that psychotic little spark.

“I don’t know yet, I'm an in-the-moment kinda guy. Now get back to work.” I spin the rag I’m holding in my hand then use it to thrash her on the back of her legs. It makes her laugh, and when we realize that I’m laughing too, we both stop and look at each other.

“It’s good to have you back,” she tells me, that glint in her eye turning into a tear before she presses her lips to my cheek and gets back to work.

* * *

“Make a list.” I ignore how weird it is coming home and finding Addison curled up on my couch reading a book that I’m pretty sure used to be Carly’s. Instead, I hand her a pad and pen.

“A list of what?” She places down the book she must have taken from the collection on the shelf in the spare room and stares up at me.

“Of all the shit you and Charlie are gonna need to stay here. I’m gonna head over to your place and get it.”

“I don’t think that's a good idea.” She looks over to where Charlie is playing on the floor before she gets up and drags me into the kitchen area so he can’t hear.

“What if they’re watching the house? They could see you and follow you back here,” she whispers, a petrified look on her face.

“They?” I frown when I pick up on what she just said.

“Him, you know what I mean.” She shakes her head and tries to brush it off but I ain’t a fool.

“He’dhave to have some brass balls to come here, darlin’. Don’t worry, I’ll take someone with me to keep a look-out while I’m inside. If we see any signs of someone watchin’ the house we’ll hunt ‘em down.”

“I appreciate that, but—”

“But nothin’. You need your stuff. Your son needs familiar things around him. Now, make a list.” I tip my head at her before headin’ into the bathroom to shower all the oil and grease off my skin.

“Thank you,” she calls after me, and when I turn around and see her smiling it’s impossible for me not to smile back.

“It’s the least I can do for ya, Ads,” I remind her.

Five years ago

“Thank you.” The young girl smiles when I lift up the box she just dropped.

“Not a problem, you headin’ for the soup kitchen too?” I check.

“Sure am.” She smiles enthusiastically but I can see there's something she’s hiding.
