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“Where is she?”

He hesitates before taking a deep breath and answering, “Inherroom, boss.”

I stand abruptly. “What?”

“In Lara’s room, boss. It must have been left unlocked by mistake,” he mutters.

I rush from the office, taking the stairs two at a time until I reach the first floor. I stop outside the door to a room I haven’t entered for six months and take a breath before pushing it open. Grace spins to face me, looking shocked. She’s holding a perfume bottle inches from her neck, and I notice the liquid glistening in the light. “Put it down,” I growl, rage filling me. Grace slowly lowers the bottle of Lara’s favourite perfume back onto the dresser, where everything is exactly how Lara left it the day she left me. I scan the room. “What else did you touch?”

She shakes her head. “Nothing,” she whispers.

“Liar!” I bellow, and she flinches. “What.Else?”

She points to the silk dress laying carelessly on the bed, the one I ripped from Lara in a jealous rage the night before she left. “I was just looking,” she mutters.

“I told you not to move from the bed,” I remind her, stepping closer. She steps back, and I snigger. “Come,” I tell her, and she shakes her head. “Grace,” I say with a warning tone in my voice as I hold out my hand.

“Whose room is this?” she asks. “Why is it untouched like the person never returned?”

I feel Maxim behind me. “Boss?” he asks in a low tone.

“The basement,” I mutter, stepping to one side.

Grace backs farther away until she’s in the corner of the room cowering. “Please . . . I’m sorry. I’ll stay in the room.”

Maxim grabs her by the hair, and she falls to her knees. “Stand,” he roars.

“Please, Mr. Morozov,” she begs.

I stare at her with disdain. “And book her a place on the boat.”

“No,” she cries. “Please, I’m sorry. I’ll do anything you want.”

Maxim drags her stumbling from the room, leaving me alone with my demons.



I gently blow the graze on my knee. Maxim dragged me all the way to the basement and practically threw me down, leaving me in the dark. I can’t get that bedroom out of my mind. It was so beautiful, yet eerie. It was like whoever had lived in there went out one day and never returned. The makeup was still spread out over the vanity unit, the hairdryer was still plugged in at the wall, and then there was the ripped dress on the bed. The material was expensive, and it had been torn so carelessly.

The door opens and Mr. Morozov descends the stairs. He doesn’t look mad now, just lost.

I push to stand, making sure to keep by back pressed against the wall and my eyes lowered to the ground. He gets close to me, his feet either side of mine. Placing a hand on the wall beside my head, he leans closer, inhaling the spot where I sprayed the perfume. He releases the breath before taking another, then his spare hand cups my face gently as he buries his nose into the crook of my neck, inhaling some more. I turn my face into him and his mouth brushes against my own. We both freeze for a second, and then he slams his lips against mine in a bruising kiss. Running his fingers through my hair, he gently tugs the roots as our tongues clash together. His kiss is commanding and forceful, and I find myself getting lost in him, forgetting I’m here against my will and scared out of my wits.

Suddenly, he breaks the kiss and pushes away from me, panting hard and turning his back to me. Then, without a word, he leaves, rushing up the steps and slamming the door.


I head straight for my bedroom and strip, then I step into the walk-in shower and turn it on, inhaling sharply as the cold water hits my skin.Fuck. She smelt exactly like her, and her body felt the same pressed against my own. I growl angrily, slamming my hand against the tiled wall. I pull at my hair in frustration. It’s another reminder that Lara isn’t here, that she’s gone forever. Six months without her and the pain is still as fresh.

By the time I dress and head down to the office, Maxim is waiting. “The boat is full for this evening,” he tells me.

“Not good enough,” I snap, taking a seat.

“Tomorrow is the soonest I can get her on it.”

“Surely, you can make room for one more?”

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