Page 62 of Unexpected

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Grasping her ass, I arched up into her and came so hard I nearly ended up inside out.

With her arms around my neck, Quincy collapsed on top of me, breathing hard, her face nuzzled beside mine. Weakly I wrapped my arms around her, thinking I’d be fine if we never, ever moved.

Quincy burrowed in closer, a satisfied purr rumbling out of her. I laced one of my hands with hers, my eyes closed. I could feel someone’s heart pounding, and I didn’t know if it was mine or hers…or both.

A couple of minutes passed, or maybe more, with us lying there without words, just…breathing. Being.

After a while, I felt Quincy’s body shaking. With laughter?

“Are you okay?” I asked.

She nodded against me and laughed again. “Just…you surprised me is all. I wouldn’t have thought the serious, proper, boss-like Knox would get down and dirty in the parking lot of a busy bar.”

Her words served to jolt me out of my post-orgasm bliss and slammed me back to reality. “Oh, hell, Quincy. I’m sorry.”

She laughed again, seemingly unconcerned. “From where I’m sitting, there’s not a thing to be sorry about.” She hoisted herself up to look at me, pressed a kiss to my lips. “That was…” She inhaled, then blew out a breath, as if there weren’t words.

“That was incredible,” I said, my worries easing slightly as I took in her flushed cheeks, her unquestionably satisfied expression.

“Mm-hmm,” she purred. Then she kissed me again, this time lingering, probing me with her tongue, burrowing her fingers into my hair.

I kissed her back, but when a loud engine revved close by, I stiffened, and not in the good way. I propped up on my elbows, one arm banded around her, so I could figure out what was going on. That’s when I realized the windows were steamed up good, the outside world invisible, which meant, hopefully, no one could see us either.

I relaxed further. “You…” I kissed her forehead, pushed her tousled hair behind her shoulder only to have it fall forward onto my chest again. “You turn me inside out and make me lose my godforsaken mind, Quincy.”

“Yeah?” she said, her grin making her cheeks look like a pair of apples. “Good.”

I laughed. Somehow she took me from worried and repentant back to pure joy in mere seconds. Her irreverence and her unpredictability were some of my favorite parts of her in addition to her irresistible body.

“I’ve never done anything like this,” I told her. “Nevernotbeen able to make it to privacy. Never understood how people could get so lost in someone that they dropped inhibitions.”

“Now you do?” she asked smugly.

I shook my head, unable to stop grinning but refusing to admit it out loud, just because she wanted me to.

“I need to get you home and into my bed so I can do things properly.”

Staring down into my eyes, she said, “I don’t know. I liked improper. A lot. It might be hard to top.”

“Is that a challenge?”

“Yes, it is, sexy boss of mine.”

“Challenge accepted. And maybe I’ll have to fire you beforehand just to get you to hush about the boss thing.”

“You don’t scare me at all,” she said as she started righting her clothes.

As she went back to the passenger seat and my thinking became clearer, I had a wisp of a thought thatshescaredme—a lot.

I pushed it aside, redid my pants, and raised the seat back so I could take her home and make good on my threat.



Saturday evening, I pulled up in front of the address Max had sent me for Chance Cordova and parked. As I got out of my SUV, nerves fired up in my gut as they always did before social events, particularly ones where I barely knew anyone.

Who was I kidding? I didn’t normally go to events where I barely knew anyone. Home was my happy place.
