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“Hey, why don’t you ask Leah to be your fake date for the wedding?” Carter says, lacing up his shoes, concentrating more on the tightness of the strings than our conversation.

My gaze snaps to Leah, standing across the locker room. Her hands deftly wrapped ankle after ankle in athletic tape, "What do you mean, ask Leah?" I question, kicking myself for telling Carter about the wedding I'm in next weekend during our off week for my best friend, Sid.

Sid and I grew up more like brothers than friends. We did everything together. When he started dating Carla, I started dating her best friend, Shelly. We dated all through high school, breaking up right before we went our separate ways to college.

Sid and Carla broke up for a few years, but now they’re back together and getting married. I’m happy for them, but the problem is Shelly is the Maid of Honor, and I’m the Best man.

I’m not sure I ever felt anything other than friendship for Shelly, but the rumor is she wants to get back together with me. I didn’t want to risk the rumors being true, so Carter came up with the brilliant idea for me to bring a fake date to the wedding. Someone who would keep Shelly away while I fulfilled my duties as best man.

The only problem with his plan was finding the right woman to fill in as my fake date.

“Leah!” Carter waves Leah over to where we are standing. Her bright smile lit up the locker room as she worked her way past the players, waiting their turn to have their ankles wrapped before the game.

“What can I do for you, Carter.” I’m waiting for Leah’s eyes to glaze over in lust from looking at Carter, our Australian punter, which happens whenever any woman looks at him. But it never happens.

She held his gaze, maintaining a professional stance.

“My boy, Brick, needs a date for a wedding he’s in this weekend.” I cringe at Carter calling me boy. At six foot seven, three hundred pounds, I’m hardly a boy.

Leah’s eyes slide to mine, a flash of desire shining in their depth. There it is. I should have known she wasn’t immune to Carter's sexy accent and handsome good looks. Why would she pick the fat kid when she could have the sexy, skinny guy?

I know I haven’t been that fat little kid in a long time, but standing between the one woman I could see spending the rest of my life with and Carter, God’s gift to women, I can’t help but revert back to those old feelings.

“I’d love to.” Leah bounces on the balls of her feet, and I can’t help but wonder why she seems so excited to be with me and not Carter.

“Great, then it’s all settled. You two kids have fun next weekend.” Carter slaps me on the back with a smug smile.

“So, about the wedding. My best friend is getting married, and I’m the best man. The maid of honor happens to be my ex-girlfriend.” I rub the back of my neck, “I heard she wants to get back together with me, but I’m not sure.”

Leah’s smile falters for a second, “And you need a fake date until you know if you’re sure or not.”

"No, I..." She interrupts me before I can tell her I don't want to get back together with my ex.

"It's OK. I'd be happy to be your fake date." Her once genuine smile is replaced by a tight, forced smile.

“So how are we going to play this? Do you want me to dress sexy and hang all over you to make her jealous?”

“Um, sure.” I hesitate, not sure if this is such a good idea anymore, “You don’t have to do this if you don’t want to. I’m sure you already have plans since it’s Thanksgiving weekend.”

“If you mean staying home in my small apartment and sharing a frozen turkey dinner with my cat plans, then yeah, I’ve got plans." The tone of her voice suggests she's joking, but the sadness in her eyes makes me wonder how true that plan really is.

“I’ll pick you up tomorrow at nine in the morning. If that works for you.”

She nods.

"It's about a twelve-hour drive to my parents' house. I thought we could stay at a hotel tomorrow night and start fresh Tuesday morning."

Her smile widens.

“I’ll make sure the hotel room has two beds.”

Her smile fades, and she clears her throat, “Sounds good. I better get back to work. Good luck out there today.” She swings around, leaving me staring at her luscious backside as it sways from side to side.

