Page 11 of Under Center

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Reluctantly, I handed mine over, placing it in the basket. I told Leah I would text her later today.

I wish she would have come with me today instead of waiting and coming with my family later today. Carla didn't want guests milling around before the wedding, and no one wanted to piss off the bride before the wedding, so we all agreed to come alone to get ready for the wedding.

It's OK. I have all the time in the world to tell Leah how much I love her.

* * *


I look at myself in the mirror and smile. I’m glad I packed this dress. It’s sexy but in a simple way, not the short, tight dresses I’ve been wearing all week. What will Brick think of me in this dress? Will his eyes glaze over in lust like they’ve been doing all week?

My phone buzzes, pulling me out of my thoughts.

Brick:I'm not sure how to tell you this, but I've decided to get back together with Shelly. Seeing her last night at the rehearsal dinner brought back all those feelings I thought were lost. I hope you understand that it would be best if you did not attend the wedding. I've arranged for a car and a plane ticket for you to return home today. Thanks for everything. I'll see you around.

Me:I, um, sure. I guess I’ll see you around.

Brick: Blocked

The tears streamed down my face. What was I thinking? Of course, Brick would want to get back together with Shelly. But what about last night?

I pull my suitcase from under the bed and frantically begin shoving my clothes in it. My eyes land on the troll doll I had already safely packed in my bag. I can’t take the trophy since I won’t be here next year to defend my title. No, it will be Shelly sitting on Brick’s lap as he caresses her thighs.

I set Squatsy on Brick’s dresser, zipped my suitcase, and wheeled it out of his bedroom. If I’m lucky, I won’t run into any of Brick’s family as they get ready for the wedding. But as usual, my luck doesn’t hold out.

“Honey, what are you doing?” Mrs. Siler stands up, holding baby Drew, and strides over to me, “Have you been crying?”

“I have to go home. There’s an emergency. I, um, need to leave right now.” I blink back the fresh batch of tears that are threatening to fall from my eyes. Baby Drew sticks his chubby little arms out to me, and I can’t resist holding him one last time.

“I should call Brick." Mrs. Siler hands baby Drew to me and searches for her cell phone, "I know it's here somewhere."

Baby Drew gives me a toothless grin, and that’s all it takes for me to snap out of my thoughts of feeling sorry for myself.

This is what I want. A family and a baby of my own, with a man who loves me.

Mrs. Siler pulls her phone out of her purse and dials a number. I take her phone from her hands and set it on the table. "Tell Brick I had to leave, and I wish him well." I hand Baby Drew to her, and he begins to cry. "I'm sorry, buddy." I kiss his forehead, "Have a good life."

“No.” Mrs. Siler whispers. “Whatever it is, it can be fixed,” Her eyes search my face.

“Brick is in love with someone else. I want him to be happy, so I’m stepping aside.” I choked out. The honk of a car horn saves me from a complete meltdown. “It’s for the best.”

I pick up my suitcase and walk out the door, never looking back, just like all those times I left each of those foster homes for the last time.



Istand at the front of the altar next to Sid, my eyes searching the pews for Leah. I caught sight of my parents. Mom looks like she has been crying even before the ceremony starts. My eyes sweep over my family, and none of them will make eye contact with me.

Something is wrong. I tug at my tie, feeling claustrophobic. Where’s Leah? Why isn’t she here?

“Dude, calm down. You’re more fidgety than me, and I’m the groom.” Sid leans over and whispers.

“Sorry. I don’t see Leah. I’m worried something happened to her.” I whisper back.

The music starts, and the wedding party begins their procession down the aisle. “I thought you and Leah broke up.” Sid gives me a sideways glance.

“Why would you think that?”
