Page 12 of Under Center

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“Last night, Shelly told Carla you were going to text Leah and break up with her before the wedding. She said the two of you were getting back together.” He shrugs.

“What?” My eyes swing to Shelly as she takes her place next to the minister. Her face pales at my stare, and she looks away.

One of the groomsmen's phones vibrates, and I snap my gaze to the sound, “Sorry, my bad.” Sid’s brother Clint says next to me, taking his phone out of his pocket and shutting it off.

I look at the other five groomsmen, and they all have their phones out, making sure they are turned off. What the fuck? Am I the only one who gave up his phone? Or just the only one who was tricked into giving up his phone.

I take another look at Shelly, and her skin has taken on a sickly green tint—the same shade as when she broke up with me the summer after we graduated. Damn, this wedding. I need to get out of here and find Leah, but I can’t ruin my best friend’s wedding.

The minister begins the service with stories of love and loss, sins and forgiveness, until Carla and Sid finally exchange their vows, placing wedding bands on each other’s fingers. Once the minister announces them, husband and wife, I hustle the bride and groom out of the church through all the well-wishers throwing birdseed at them.

I search the crowd until I find my mom, her eyes shining with tears and not the happy tears that are expected from a wedding. No, her tears are of sadness and loss.

“Where’s Leah?” I grabbed my mom’s arm, pulling her away from the crowd.

“Like you care.” Denise snorts and scowls at me. She moves to stand beside Mom with baby Drew balancing on her hip with a matching scowl on his tiny face aimed at me.

“Of course, I care. I love Leah.”

A gasp behind me catches my attention, and I spin around, “I didn’t know. I thought you brought her with you to make me jealous.” Shelly has one hand raised to her mouth and one clutching her stomach. “What have I done?” She sinks to the ground, not caring if her light pink dress gets dirty.

I grab her wrists and pull her to a standing position, “What did you do to Leah?” I give her a gentle shake instead of the hard shake I want to give her for hurting Leah.

“I took your phone and sent her a text message saying you wanted to break up, then I blocked her number from your phone.”

“Where is my phone now, Shelly?” I tightened my grip on her wrists.

“It’s in my purse.”

I let go of her wrists and wrenched her purse from her hands. Digging through it until I found my phone. I unblock Leah’s number and send off a quick text message.

Me:Leah, where are you? We need to talk.


“She blocked me.” My heart falls to my stomach. The woman I love and want to spend the rest of my life with blocked me from calling her.

“It might not be too late.”

I glare at Shelly, “Don’t you think you’ve done enough?”

She flinches like I slapped her, “She’s at the airport. Her plane doesn’t leave for another hour.”

“How do you know that?” I questioned, still not trusting Shelly.

She blanches, “I know because I’m the one who bought her the ticket. I made her believe it was from you.” She shrinks back, waiting for me to explode. But I don’t have time to explode. I need to find Leah.

“Dad, can I borrow your car?”

“You’re in no shape to drive. I’ll drive you.”



Isit in the airport, numb to the hustle and bustle of everything around me. How am I supposed to return to work and pretend nothing happened? To watch from the sidelines as Shelly and their children cheer for Brick from the family skybox.

A vision of baby Drew’s face pops into my head, and for a moment, I imagine he’s mine and Brick’s baby or what our baby would look like. Damn Brick for making me fall in love with him when he was already in love with someone else.
