Page 3 of Under Center

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I pause, wondering if I should tell her my real name or not. I haven’t gone by any other name but Brick in so long that I’m not sure if I would even answer to my given name. Hell, I don’t think my ex even knows my real name, “It’s Josh.” I glanced from the road to her face to gauge her reaction.

“Josh.” She repeats, “I like it. "OK, Josh," I wrinkle my nose at the sound of my given name. "Fine, OK, Brick." She rolls her eyes at me and continues down her list of questions.

We go back and forth, answering questions about our favorite color, our favorite food, and even our favorite holiday. It isn’t until we get to the favorite Superhero question that the debate begins.

“You have got to be kidding me. There is no way DC Comics is better than Marvel Comics.” Leah sets her pen on her notebook with an audible thud, crosses her arms across her chest, and then proceeds to glare at me. The little twinkle in her eyes is the only sign that she is teasing me.

“Just because Marvel has Thor doesn’t make them the best comic.” I joke half-heartedly, knowing that most women are drawn to the sexy Chris Hemsworth Thor type.

“I’m more of a Hulk kind of girl myself.”

“But he’s so big and green.” How could she possibly like The Hulk over Thor?

She uncrosses her arms and shrugs, “That’s what I like about him.” At my raised eyebrow, she continues, “Not the green part, but the big and strong part—the thought of feeling safe in those big, strong arms. I never had that growing up.”

I wanted to ask her more about her childhood, but we have reached the hotel.



“I’m sorry, Sir, but the hotel is overbooked because it is Thanksgiving week. We only have one room reserved for you. It's a king-sized bed." My heart flutters thinking about sleeping next to Brick in the same bed. "You and your sister will have to share a room."

And just like that, my heart crashes to my stomach. Of course, she would assume we were siblings. We aren’t touching each other or staring longingly into each other’s eyes.

We should probably practice, or we will never be able to convince anyone we are a couple in love.

I grab Brick’s hand, making sure to press my body against his side, "It's OK, honey. I don't think we will be able to keep our vow to wait until we're married." My voice takes on a soft purr.

A hunger flares in Brick’s eyes, and I fight the need to take a step back from his predatory stare, “If you’re sure, sweetheart.”

My body vibrates from the hidden sinful promise in his tone, and all I can do is nod my agreement.

The front desk clerk clears her throat and breaks the spell, “My mistake. Here you go.” She hands us our room keycards, but not before her eyes roam up and down Brick’s body with a hungry stare. "I'll have room service send a complimentary dinner for two for the inconvenience.”

I nod and tug Brick’s arm, leading him to the elevator. Once inside the elevator, I let go of his arm, “She couldn’t have been more obvious.” I fume, and Brick gives me a confused look. “Especially after I told her we were together.”

Brick’s smile changes from one of confusion to one of understanding, “Maybe we should practice being a couple.”

“That’s exactly what I was thinking.”

We stayed silent the rest of the way to the hotel room. Brick unlocked the hotel room door and ushered me inside. We set our suitcases down, then Brick guided me to the couch, pulling me to sit beside him.

“I was thinking we should start practicing being boyfriend and girlfriend now.” He rubs the back of his neck with his hand. “I can’t have you pull away from me in front of people when I kiss you.”

I snort. “Like that would ever happen.” Brick looks at me like he wants to eat me whole, and I want that, too.

"OK, then, I'm going to kiss you now."

Brick places his hand behind my neck and pulls me forward. Our eyes meet, and Brick holds my stare, almost like he is waiting for permission to kiss me. I nod my head with a smile.

Brick’s lips crash into mine, causing me to moan. His tongue glides across the seam of my lips, and I open my mouth to him, desperate to feel his tongue against mine. I run my fingers through his hair, and it's just as soft as I imagined.

I lean closer into the kiss, but it’s not close enough. I swing my leg over Brick’s thighs until I’m straddling him. He moans into my mouth, and it’s my undoing. I can feel his hard cock pressing against the thin fabric of my leggings through his jeans. My hips take on a life of their own as they start to grind and bounce in Brick’s lap.

Brick’s big hands grasp my waist as he anchors my body to his. The pressure of his cock pressing against my clit has me crying out in release, wiggling and squirming against him as I come.

Brick holds me and rubs my back during my climax. I finally worked the nerve up to look him in the eyes, “Sorry about that.” How do I tell him I’m a virgin, and that was the first time I’ve ever come in my life? Sure, I’ve tried masturbating with my fingers before, but I could never find a release.
