Page 8 of Under Center

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“You know Brick has never had a girl join in with the Family Turkey Trot before.” Mrs. Siler comments.

“Not even Shelly?” I could kick myself for asking. It’s really none of my business. Brick and I are only pretending to be a couple. There is no need for me to act like a jealous girlfriend.

Mrs. Siler studies my face before she responds, “I know Brick and Shelly dated all through high school, but honestly, I’ve only seen them together a handful of times.” My eyes snap to Mrs. Siler. “She never attended any of our family events, and Brick never attended any of her family events. It was more like they were Sid and Carla's sidekicks, not actual boyfriend and girlfriend.”

That can’t be right.

“I always thought it was so weird at the high school dances when Brick would stand against the wall with all the single guys, and Shelly would dance with her friends,” Denise says, handing me baby Drew. His sweet little forehead wrinkles up like he is in deep thought at his mother’s words.

I laugh and kiss Drew’s forehead, my eyes catching Brick standing with his brothers and father a few feet away, with a confused look as he stares back at me.

He probably doesn’t want me to get too close to his family since this is all pretend. “Um, maybe you should take Drew,” I hold baby Drew out to his grandmother.

“As much as I love this little rascal, it’s nice to have my hands free for once.” She smiles at her daughter-in-law. “These two keep me pretty busy with all the grandbabies they keep popping out year after year.” The three of them laugh, but I stare at the baby in my arms. What would it be like to have Brick’s baby and be a part of this amazing family?

Mrs. Siler must have sensed my distress, “There is always room for more grandbabies, dear.” She pats my arm and kisses baby Drew on the head. “Someday, hopefully soon, you and Brick will bring your children to the annual Family Turkey Trot.”

I know her words were meant to soothe me, but they’ve made me feel worse about lying to them. “Hopefully, someday,” I reply, and I swear baby Drew raises a little eyebrow at me like he knows I’m lying.

“Everyone line up. The race is getting ready to begin.” A formal-looking man, dressed like a pilgrim, announces with his megaphone.

“That’s Mayor Evan’s.” Denise nudges my shoulder. “He’s a little obsessed with all the town festivals. He’d have one every day of the week if it were up to him. The Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony will kick off the biggest town festival of all tomorrow night."

“Tomorrow night is the rehearsal dinner. We probably won’t be able to make it.” Sadness washes over me. Growing up in foster homes, I never stayed in one place long enough to get attached to anything. Always wondering which day would be the day I was moved to a new foster family.

“I doubt that. The tree lighting ceremony is Brick’s favorite of all the festivals. He hasn’t missed one in all the time I’ve known him.” Brick’s other sister-in-law, Ashley, cuts in, positioning her double stroller in line with Denise’s stroller. “Another thing he never did with Shelly.”

The starting gun goes off, pulling me out of my thoughts as the race begins. I look down at baby Drew in my arms, and I’m sure his startled look matches my own. “I think I’m in love with your uncle,” I whisper into his baby-fine hair.

* * *

I placed my participation medal around Squatsy's neck, having never won anything before in my life. Now I have the Troll doll trophy from Trivia Night and the participation medal, all thanks to Brick and his amazing family.

“Are you coming to bed?” Brick asks from under the covers.

“Almost,” I reply, stripping out of my nightgown and climbing into Brick’s bed naked, finding Brick is as naked as I am.

“Thank you.” Brick kisses my temple and wraps his big, strong arms around me. “My family loved having you at the Turkey Trot.”

“How about you, Brick? Did you love having me there, too?” I try to make my voice sound casual, but I fail miserably.

“Yes, I love having you with me always.” His lips capture mine in a possessive kiss, taking my breath away.

His lips trail across my face and down my neck before settling at my breast. His hands knead my breasts, his lips closing around one of my nipples, causing me to buck in his arms.

“You like my tongue on you?” He asks innocently.

“You know I do.” I moan, my hands unconsciously pushing him lower to where I want him most. But he doesn’t budge. “Tease.” I pout.

His hand travels down my side and across my stomach before finally landing on my pussy. "Is this where you need my mouth?" His fingers strum across my clit, and I dig my heels into the mattress.

“Yes! Please, I need your mouth on me.” I beg, throwing my head back and forth on the bed.

My nipple pops out of his mouth, and he trails his tongue down my stomach, following the same path as his hand.

He settles his big shoulders between my thighs and takes a long lick of my pussy. “Oh! Josh, that feels so good.”

His movements stop, and I look down to find him looking up at me, “You called me Josh.” His tone isn’t accusatory, only curious.

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