Page 84 of Holiday Home 2

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Began, but did not complete, for the new arrival that had initially pulled the tailor away briefly appeared. A balding man with a few liver spots on his head, recognition had flashed in his eyes when he’d seen the two of them. Liam didn’t bother to wonder if maybe it washimwho the man had recognized.

So had a blessedly brief but dull conversation between Anna and the man passed. Like at the mall with Trent and his cohorts, Liam was nearly invisible to the man outside of a single hello. Mention of Anna’s parents came up, which naturally led to Anna inquiring about the man’s family. Once the usual “they’re doing well” and “Christmas was pleasant” tittle-tattle passed, the tailor, standing patiently nearby, caught the man’s eye.

Excusing himself, only then did he seem to remember that Anna, a woman, was only in a men’s clothing store because she had male accompaniment. His scrutiny fell heavily upon Liam, though he’d already excused himself, and his feet slowly dragged him toward the waiting tailor. However, Liam remained aware of the glances that the man sent over his shoulder, even while he discussed his fitting with the tailor.

“Are you ready?” Anna asked, distracting him from the older man’s attention. The polite, controlled demeanor she’d effortlessly donned while speaking to the man had just as easily slid off, replaced by earnest geniality. How fortunate he was to be one of the few who could see this side of her.

More than ready.“Yeah.” He paused, conflicted. Unanimously, his mind, body, and heart wanted to return to Tess, to the warmth, affection, and raunchier activities that awaited him when he did. However, the barest shred of decency kicked him in the shin.

He was fortunate to be one of the few who got to see her like this, just as she likely felt fortunate to have an additional person with whom she could feel this way.

And she just bought you an expensive-ass outfit,he self-scolded.

“So, I’m a little hungry,” he said, which was true. “If you’re still free for a bit longer, would you want to get a bite to eat somewhere? AndI’llpay there.”

Anna’s smile lit up the whole store. “I am free. I was just about to check ifyouwere also free.”

“Yeah? Were you also thinking lunch?”

She nodded, growing mildly abashed. “I was also wondering if you might want to go ice skating again. The location we skated at last time is only about ten minutes from here.”

“Just you and me?” he asked, partially expecting her to reveal that she’d already tried—and possibly failed—to invite Avril along.

The surge of vermillion on her face revealed her answer before she provided it. “If that’s agreeable to you, yes. I could ask if Avril wants to come along if you’d like, though.”

“No, that’s all right. I’m happy to go ice skating with you again. It’ll save my wallet a bit, too, since I’m also buying our entry tickets.”

Unquenchable jubilation flashed within her minty green eyes. “Great!”

Chapter Thirty-Two

Unseen No More

OpenSky Center, where they’d skated last time, didn’t have many post-Christmas Day skaters on either of its three rinks when he and Anna arrived. A few children skated with their mom on the covered rink while a few pre-teens passed around a hockey puck on the rink made explicitly for it. The largest of the rinks, practically a horse track in size, only had half a dozen skaters on it. Three pairs, soon to be four.

Soon to be three, actually. By the time he and Anna finished their lunch in the rental building, which had its own café and so-so lunch options to pick from, paid their admission fee, and he collected his skates, one of the pairs had departed. Anna had brought her skates along, revealing that she’d always intended to see if he wanted to go ice skating after they visited the tailor, or potentially go along by herself if he’d declined. It was no surprise. Anyone who knew her knew she wasn’t the spontaneous type. That was the one who hadn’t received an invite.

Which he did find curious as they donned their skates and stepped onto the largest rink’s ice.

It’s not like they’re attached at the hip,he reminded himself at the same time as he also reminded himself of the lessons he’d been taught the last time he’d been here. As their blades touched the ice, Anna waited patiently for him to rediscover his footing. Within a matter of steps, he could at least keep pace with her, and the two of them began taking advantage of the vast swathe of ice available to them.

The other two pairs on the ice were clearly couples, though he and Anna were the youngest set by at least a decade. Andnotactually a couple, he reminded himself.

“So, do you have the inside scoop on Avril’s game of choice for New Year’s Eve?” Liam asked, diverting his attention away from the distant couples back to the beautiful woman skating alongside him.

“Afraid not,” Anna admitted. “I have seen her practicing shuffling and dealing on our kitchen table, but she’s refused to let me know anything.”

Liam smiled. “Actually, if you’ve seen any of that, you might have an idea about what she’s planning to have us play. Has she been consistent with how many cards she’s been dealing to each ‘player?’”

Anna’s unfairly pouty lips pursed thoughtfully. Compared to him, she was an effortless breeze gliding over the ice. If she’d shut her eyes and started skating backward, she still probably could have maintained her graceful technique as they did laps around the rink.

“Yes, I believe she has been,” Anna said. “She’s been dealing two cards face down to every ‘player,’ and then three cards face up in the center of the table. That’s always been how she starts, so far as I can recollect.”

That made things easy. As he grinned and prepared to spill his knowledge, some form of perverse karma decided to cause the front of his right skate to hit a patch of uneven ice. Floundering and flapping his arms like a lame baby duck cast out of the nest before it was ready, Anna swiftly extended a steadying hand that helped him remain upright.

“Uh, thanks,” he said, blushing slightly as the nearest other couple on the rink looked his way.

“Falling happens,” Anna said, smiling comfortingly.

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