Page 41 of Scorch

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“I need this job.I need the hours.You know that.”I seethed, hating that part of me wanted to go run my hands up his arms and press against him.

He opened the case and glanced back at me.“My allowing you to still work at all is unlike me.You don’t need a job.I want all your time, and I take care of what is mine.”

What was this, the 1950s?Take care of what was his?UGH, this man!

“I’m not yours, and I’m also not a prostitute.I will provide for myself and my daughter.”

Garrett turned back around, and the scowl crinkling his brow was distracting.I wanted to smooth it with my fingers.I needed to be slapped.I was arguing here, not thinking about touching him.

Focus, Fawn.FOCUS!

“If I ever hear yourself speak the wordprostituteagain, I’ll put you over my knee and spank your ass until you can’t walk.Is that clear?”

I shivered.Not because his threat scared me, but because it made my body tingle with the thought of him putting me over his knee.How did he do that?What voodoo did this man have that made me crave his brutality?It wasn’t healthy.If I could afford counseling, I’d go get some.Was this because of my past?Was Garrett’s domineering behavior a turn-on for me because I had daddy issues?

“You expect me to just … what?Let you pay for everything?Pay my bills?Move my camper to a safer location?I can’t let you do that, Garrett.Don’t you understand that?”My voice was pleading.I felt helpless with him.As if no matter what I said, I was going to let him have his way.

Garrett closed the space between us and reached up to cup the side of my face in his large hand.“You deserve to be taken care of, cherished.”His thumb ran over my bottom lip.“You’ve awakened something in me I didn’t know was there.For the first time in my life, I want to fucking smile.You make my chest feel light when I’m with you, and to a man like me, that’s a gift.It’s not just your body I desire, Fawn.I crave the way your presence eases me.”

Holy hell.What did I say now?My eyes stung.No one had ever said something like that to me.The power behind those words were already derailing me.Changing my path.I wasn’t sure I’d ever be able to find it again.

“Give me this,” he urged.“Please, pretty baby.Please, don’t fight me.Let me give you an adventure.I know you love those.Your eyes dance with pure joy when you experience new things.I ache to see that more.To know it’s me handing you the world.”

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.I wanted to give in.Tell him yes.Throw caution to the wind and just live.But I had responsibilities.I couldn’t pretend otherwise.Not even for him.

“Garrett, I’m a mom,” I said finally as I opened my eyes and met his piercing gaze.“I have Gypsi to think about.”

The corners of his mouth quirked up.“I’m well aware, and I would never ask you to neglect her.I intend to take care of her too.”

I shook my head.“No.This is too much.I can’t.”

His mouth covered mine, and I wanted to fight him, but the moment the tip of his tongue touched my lips, I caved and let him in.Sinking into him.My arms went around his neck as he grabbed my hips and jerked me against his body.God, this man could kiss.All other worries seemed to fade into the distance as he owned me with just his lips.

“Fawn,” he whispered.He bit my bottom lip before licking it, then roughly kissed down my neck.“Don’t fight me.Please.”

My knees went weak as he reached up and wiped the makeup away that I’d used to conceal his bite mark.He pressed a kiss to the bruised skin, then growled before nipping at it gently with his teeth.

“You make me insane.No woman has ever had that ability.”

My hands fisted his hair, and I pressed my chest against him as he began kissing and nuzzling up my neck.

“You promised to be my good girl,” he reminded me.

“I didn’t promise to let you take over my life,” I panted.

He ran a hand down to the hem of my dress and tugged it up.His palm slid over my bottom and squeezed.I was wearing a pair of the silky lace thongs he’d given me.

“Not take over, just take care of,” he whispered in my ear as he pressed his fingers between my legs.

The urge to give in was almost overpowering my common sense.He made it sound so easy.I knew it had a time clock on it, and that was what I feared.What if I fell in love with him?I’d never worried about that before.When men had wanted to do things for me, buy me things, pay my bills, I hadn’t fought them.But Garrett … he was different.If I let go and enjoyed the ride, then when the end came, I wouldn’t know what to do.I had no experience with a broken heart.

His fingers slid inside of me, and my knees buckled.Garrett’s arm wrapped around me and held me to him as he continued to pump in and out of me.

“This pussy is addictive,” he murmured.“Let me have it.”

I let out a small cry, and he picked me up, carrying me to the couch.I stared up at him as he laid me on my back.He shoved my dress up around my waist, and there was a tyrannical gleam in his eyes as he held my thighs open, staring at my wetness, barely covered by the expensive panties I wore.

“Such a delicate, flawless pussy.I love seeing it covered in French silk and Italian lace.This body should only be touched by beautiful, expensive things.”
