Page 80 of Damaged King

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It was Kalen who held out a thick envelope. “Sorry to intrude. We didn’t know—” He waved a hand around at the setup in the yard.

“No, it’s okay. You’re family. Now what’s this about?” Grant asked, taking the envelope and holding it up.

“Fixing an injustice. Grandfather didn’t write your dad out of his will completely. Not exactly. He left you your dad’s share. Unfortunately, our dad pretended not to know where you were. When Liam showed up, it all came out. It’s taken some time and legal maneuvers, but it’s all yours. I did take the liberty of investing it for you while we worked it out. It’s quite a bit more than the original amount.”

Grant shakily opened the envelope and scanned it. Then he held it up for me to see. I didn’t read, but my eyes trained on the amount boldly listed and I about peed my pants. My husband was a very rich man, even more than my father had been before the economic downturn.

“Take a seat, everyone,” the coordinator said.

“We should go,” Connor said.

“No, stay,” Grant said, waving toward some open chairs.

Liam left too after giving me a welcome peck on the cheek.

When we were alone, I said, “What are you going to do with that money?”

Grant shrugged. “Give some to Dad if he’ll take it. And invest with your father if he’ll let me.”

He’d gotten his job back with the airline and had earned his captain’s stripes.

“Will you still fly?”

He nodded and said, “Always.”

But then he was ushered to the front to stand by his father before the “Wedding March” began to play. Gracie tossed flowers everywhere as I snapped photo after photo. Then Natalie appeared and my heart warmed, happy that Grant’s dad was finally with the love of his life like my dad was with my mom.

It wasthe next day before everyone left that turned out to be the most exciting day for me, not including my wedding or birth of my children. But it ranked up there.

Our family and friends reconvened at the airpark early that morning.

Grant squeezed my hand. “You can do it.”

He led me to the awaiting Cessna and helped me inside. Behind the wheel, I checked all the gauges and spoke into the headset for clearance, which Ted had hired someone else to do.

“You can do it, baby,” Grant encouraged again.

With butterflies bursting from my belly, as they always did when he called me baby, I began the acceleration down the runway. It hadn’t been a goal of mine to fly, but when Grant started teaching his brothers, I’d gotten curious.

So much had changed from my first meeting of the arrogant pilot. He’d become my savior in so many ways since that first day. Most importantly, he taught me love and that it meant that two people never gave up on each other.

As the plane lifted off the ground under my power, I felt completely free and happy. With my two kids—I found myself placing a hand over my belly—and maybe another, along with my arrogant savior, I could conquer all, especially with his unconditional love.

I’d like to thank you for taking the time to read my novel. Above all, I hope you loved it. If you did, I would love it ifyou could spare just a few minutes to leave a review ~ just a few words are fine.I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks so much!

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