Page 40 of Falling for Leanne

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“Oh, you stalked me online? Decided you liked the look of me and wanted a piece of this ass?” he teased.

“This is the first time I’ve really noticed the age difference,” I laughed, “because nobody says, ‘want a piece of this ass,’ anymore.”

“Is that a dare? Because I think I can make you say anything if I touch you just right,” he said, his eyes dark with lust and his voice a filthy challenge.

“No. Not a dare. We have to be careful and watch our step, remember?”

“I remembered that until you said I was old. Then I had the urge to show you just how young and virile I am,” he said archly.

“I know exactly how virile you are, Professor,” I said, flirting a little. “I’ll be lucky if I can walk straight tomorrow. I’m not used to the size of you.”

“Did I hurt you?” His face softened with concern; all traces of playfulness gone.

“No! Of course not. I’m okay,” I assured him as he stroked my face and searched my eyes for any sign of discomfort. “You’re just a lot to take in. I never imagined—” Suddenly I felt shy about mentioning his size.

“We fit together just right,” he said, kissing me again.

“Perfectly,” I agreed.



“You owe us the next two rounds at least,” Rick said to me.

Two weeks had passed, and Leanne and I had been true to our word, careful not to be alone together at all. We couldn’t risk giving in to that attraction between us again. Not when we were so close to the end of the semester and just had to wait a little longer. I was glad for the distraction when Kyle called to tell me the guys were going out for drinks one night. I’d only been in the bar all of five minutes when Drake said, “Okay, Hamilton, that’s fifty bucks you owe me.”

And everyone laughed and Hamilton paid up.

“What?” I asked. “I’m missing the joke.”

“Youare the joke, bro,” Drake said, folding the cash into his wallet.

“Back at the start of the semester, we laid bets on how long it would be before you fell for a student. Once you picked out that intern, the stakes went up,” Rick explained. “That’s why you owe us a couple rounds. We’ve had to listen to your crap for weeks about how there was nothing going on between you and Leanne the Hot Intern.”

“Don’t call her that,” I said, almost a growl. Kyle laughed at that.

“Yeah, Drake, it’s time to collect, you called it. For what it’s worth, Aaron, I thought you might last till she graduated before you acted on it,” Kyle said.

“Our little boy is all grown up,” Drake quipped. “Look at him, eating his words about his ethics and his rules.”

“By the looks of him that’s not all he’s been eating,” Rick said.

I glowered at them as they had their fun giving me hell about it.

“Be a good sport,” Kyle said. “You knew we’d bust your balls just like you did to us. I know it’s a maelstrom of yearning and guilt—”

“Did he say ‘maelstrom’?” Drake asked. “I never heard anyone use that word out loud.”

“If anybody was going to, it would be Kyle,” I said, rolling my eyes. “Fine, it’s a fuckingmaelstrom. In layman’s terms that’s a shit show, right?”

“Pretty much,” Hamilton said. “Although it’s not technically a shit show until the wrong people find out about it. Does Admin know yet?”

“No,” I said, “and they won’t. Because we’re being cautious and waiting until after she graduates.”

“Waiting to do itagainyou mean,” Drake said. “Since it’s written all over your face.”

“It’s been two weeks,” I protested. “So don’t give me any crap about having those just-got-laid vibes.”
