Page 43 of Sellout

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He chuckles. “No. Not exactly. He just doesn’t want to see you get hurt.”

Right. Because that clears things up.

“If you fall for Parker, it doesn’t change the fact that he’s going to meet his soulmate one day. And when he does,” Blaine’s blue eyes meet mine, “Henley, it doesn’t matter if he loves you. The soulmate bond trumps everything.”

“Parker doesn’t love me. We’re just friends,” I object.

He raises one eyebrow. “Yeah, well… he’s never held hands with any other girl. And he’s different with you. We can all see it. Will and I aren’t the only ones who’ve noticed.”

He’s right. I don’t know about the other wolf shifters, but the humans have definitely taken notice. It’s all they think about.

Blaine smirks. “You know I’m right. I can see it on your face.”

I don’t bother responding.

Parker could never date me because he’s waiting on a wolf shifter girl who will complete the other half of his soul. It’s not something that I can compete with.

“My parents are soulmates,” Blaine tells me.

My eyes widen at his confession. I want to ask him questions—soulmates shouldn’t fight like that. But it would be rude to bring up their arguing.

“My, uh, dad had a girlfriend before he met my mom. It’s against the law, but it’s not strictly enforced.” Blaine turns his attention forward, not making eye contact. “I guess he loved the woman. But soulmate love trumps everything else, so he broke up with the other woman for my mom.”

He goes quiet. I want to ask him questions. Does his mom resent his dad for dating somebody else? Is that why they fight all the time?

Blaine takes a deep breath, continuing his story. “My parents got married and had me right away. It was a happy time. But I guess my dad wasn’t that happy. He was unfaithful with his old girlfriend. And because of the mate bond, he couldn’t hide the truth from my mom. He should’ve known it would come out. But I made him unhappy. It’s why my parents didn’t have any more children.” He pauses. “Well, that and the fact that my mom refuses to be with my dad anymore. The two of them have had separate rooms since I can remember. She’s never forgiven him for what he did. And he’s never forgiven her for not forgiving him.”


He cuts me off. “I don’t want a soulmate. My parents are miserable and I don’t want it to be like that for me.”

“It won’t be,” I tell him. “Your parents’ problems are their own. But you would never do what your dad did. It’s why you’ve never had a girlfriend. You flirt, but you’re never serious about it. You want a soulmate more than probably anybody your age does.”

He turns his head toward me. “Are you sure you can’t read my mind?”

I shake my head. “I promise I can’t. I’ve just read enough minds to pick up on body language. You are going to meet your soulmate and fall deeply in love with her. And you’re going to treat her so well.”

He keeps his facial expression completely neutral, not reacting to what I said. “And you’re heartbroken over the fact that Parker is going to have a soulmate who isn’t you.”

I shrug, not denying it. “I’m not the first teenaged girl to get her heart broken. I’ll survive.”

He nods. “Yeah, you will. I see that.”

But it does suck. Probably more than Blaine even realizes.

“I didn’t tell Parker that you left campus. If I had, he’d probably already be here. I’m hoping you’ll go back with me,” Blaine says. “I promise I won’t tell Parker anything about our conversation.”

“Will too,” I say.

He chuckles. “Will doesn’t want you to know that he cares about you. But he does. If you tell him I told you, I will deny it. It might do him good to know that you’re stronger than he thinks.”

“Fine. Tell him whatever you want.” I stand from the bench. The momentum makes my head pound, reminding me why I left school in the first place. I sway a little on my feet. “If we go back to school, I might not last long. I’ll end up having a seizure.”

Blaine stands, looking closely at me. “You do look pale. Maybe we can ditch and get burgers. I’m starving.”

“Sure,” I say.

Blaine pauses, cocking his head to the side. I wonder what he’s doing. He’s got his brows furrowed together, like he’s having a conversation with somebody. He eventually sighs and looks at me. “Will is coming. We’re going to meet him at my car.”
