Page 49 of Sellout

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Parker comes over and points to the spot.

Steven shakes his head. “There is nothing. But we can do a scan to be sure if you want.”

“I’m fine,” I say.

“Do the scan,” Parker insists.

“It is odd,” Steve says, turning to Parker. “Even wolf shifters don’t heal this fast. A knock on her head strong enough to make her pass out would take a few hours to recover from if she were a wolf shifter. Do you know what kind of supernatural she is?”

“No.” Parker frowns. “Dad and I have been trying to figure it out. We’ve contacted everybody that we can, but nobody seems to know.”

He’s contacted people about me?

I look between Parker and the doctor, hoping that Steve will ask more questions. This is more than I’ve ever gotten out of Parker.

“Come on.” Steven holds his hands out toward me. “We’re going to get a quick scan of your head.” He pauses. “I do have to ask—since you’re not a wolf shifter, I’m not sure how your body would react—are you pregnant?”

“No.” My cheeks grow warm.

Steven smiles. “I had to ask. Wolf shifters aren’t affected, but until we know more about what you are, it’s best to be safe.”

I don’t say another word. I just pace behind him and into another room. He has me lie down on a table. I recognize the machine right away—this isn’t the first head scan I’ve had. It’s just a CT scan.

I close my eyes, lying as still as I can. It’s a fast scan, so it’s over before I know it.

“You go ahead and go back to the other room. I’ll be right there,” Steve says.

“Thanks,” I mumble, getting up from the table. I rush from the room as quickly as I can.

Parker is pacing the floor in the other room. The moment I open the door to come out, he rushes toward me, his eyes scanning me from head to toe. “Are you okay?”

I nod. “I’m fine. Steve said he’ll be here in a second.”

He grabs my hand, tugging me back to the exam bed. I know I should pull away. Holding hands with Parker is dangerous. But one look at him and I can’t do it.

He keeps looking at me. In fact, other than when I was getting my CT scan, he hasn’t once looked away. Whatever happened today scared him. A lot.

I died. At least, that’s what Parker said. Maybe I should be more freaked out about it than I am, but maybe it hasn’t sunk in yet. I’m not sure how I’m alive, but I am grateful that I am.

The door opens and Steve walks out, a smile on his face.

“Good news,” Steve said. “There is no damage whatsoever, as I suspected. It’s like Henley never got hit on the head.”

Parker lets out a breath. “Good. Thank you, Steve.”

“Before you go, I’d love to get some blood samples from Henley. Maybe I can run some tests and possibly figure out what kind of supernatural she is.” Steve gives Parker a hopeful look.

Parker glances at me.

I shrug. “Sure.”

Steve grins widely. “Excellent.”

He rummages through a drawer and I get comfortable on the bed. I’ve had this done enough times that I know the drill.

Parker holds my left hand while Steve puts the rubber band on my right arm. He gets the needle ready and I prepare for a poke. I don’t feel anything. I glance over.

Steve has his eyebrows furrowed. “The needle won’t penetrate her skin.”
