Page 52 of Sellout

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“I thought you liked quiet.” Parker scoots closer.

“I like quiet in here.” I point at my head. “I don’t mind the noise at your house. It’s almost peaceful. And it’s wonderful not knowing what anybody is thinking.”

“What did you think when you met me and couldn’t read my thoughts?” he asks.

I lick my lips. “Well, I met Will first. He glared at me, but I decided I didn’t care if he hated me. He was quiet, so I liked him.”

Parker grins. “Will is always like that.”

Maybe. “When I met you, I was kind of embarrassed. I was puking into a trashcan moments before. And I thought you were really cute, so it wasn’t an impression I wanted to make.”

His smile widens. “You thought I was cute?”

My cheeks grow warm, but I nod. “But certainly you already knew that. I was fumbling over my words like an idiot. I felt like I already knew you because the girls in my classes think about you alot. You, Will, and Blaine.”

He groans. “That’s so annoying.”

“Think how I feel. I’m the one that has to listen to it all day,” I tease.

“What about you? What do the boys think about you?”

“They all think I’m dating you. And the boys in our class are scared of you. So, thank you for that.” I worry my bottom lip between my teeth, watching him.

“You avoided answering my question,” he says.

I shrug. “I didn’t think I needed to answer.”

“They think you’re hot, right?”

I roll my eyes. “It’s just because I’m new. They’ll get bored of me eventually.”

“It’s more than that. I told you.” He grabs ahold of my hand. “You’re supernatural and they’re human. They sense something different about you. Something special. I don’t know how you ever believed you were human. You don’t look human. No human is as pretty as you.”

My heart skips a beat. “Oh.” I clear my throat. “If we’re going to be friends, you probably shouldn’t call me pretty. Or hold my hand when we’re alone in your bedroom.”

He abruptly lets go of my hand, seemingly surprised that he was even holding it. “Sorry. You’re right. I shouldn’t do those things. But sometimes I can’t help myself when it comes to you.”

Friends. Just friends. If I say it enough times, maybe I’ll believe it.

I lick my lips and Parker’s eyes zero in on the movement.

He stands up abruptly. “Maybe we should go outside. My dad is about to start grilling the burgers.”

“That’s probably a good idea.” It’s a lot safer for us to be around people than to be alone in his bedroom.

Parker holds my hand and leads me toward the door. I wonder if I should pull my hand away, but I can’t make myself do it at the moment. I enjoy it far too much to ever want to let go.

I like Parker way more than I should considering he has a soulmate waiting for him. I can’t compete with soulmate love. And then there is the fact that I have a soulmate waiting on me. Though, I can’t imagine ever liking any guy more than I do Parker.

Maybe Will is right—maybe I shouldn’t be around Parker. But the thought of leaving now and never talking to him again breaks my heart. I don’t think it’s something I could do. I’m in way too deep, which is terrifying.

Parker never lets go of my hand. Not as we walk down the stairs, not when we walk through the living room and kitchen, not even as we walk outside. His dad is standing by the grill. He waves at us when he sees us, his gaze dropping down to our hands. He furrows his brows, but doesn’t say anything—or maybe he does say something to Parker through the mind link that I learned about from Will and Blaine. Still, Parker only tightens his grip on my hand. Mr. Throne frowns, but he doesn’t say anything to me. I almost want to pull my hand out of Parker’s grasp. I don’t want to cause any issues.

“Steve said the two of you visited him earlier,” Mr. Thorne says. He looks directly at Parker as he waits for an answer.

Parker nods. “We did. Henley got hit in the head hard enough to knock her out. But she healed really fast—impossibly so.”

“I thought you were going to let her dad tell her the truth.” Mr. Thorne narrows his eyes.
