Page 64 of Sellout

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“Where is your pack?” I ask.

At school, I noticed that the boy was alone. He hung out with some of the humans, but he mostly kept his distance.

“What do you mean pack?” the boy asks, then shakes his head. “Who are you?”

“I’m Henley,” I answer. “What about you?”

“Ben,” he answers. “I wanted to talk to you today, but you always have a bodyguard.”

“Yeah, that’s—”

Before I can finish my thought, another figure appears at the table. Ben jumps up from the booth.

“Stay away from her,” Parker threatens Ben, but he is halfway to the door before Parker’s done issuing his threat.

The bell over the door dings as Ben rushes out. I wanted to talk to him more—figure out what is going on with him.

Parker turns to me, his eyes golden yellow instead of their usual blue color. “What were you doing talking to him?”

“He came over here,” I say trying to calm Parker down. “He was just curious because I smell different. He didn’t do anything. He seems like a nice kid.”

“He’s not your friend, Henley.” Parker slides into the booth on the other side. “We don’t know why he’s here. But until we know his motives, he is dangerous. Stay away from him.”

I nod once, letting him know I heard.

But how dangerous can he be? Ben looks like he’s about fourteen or fifteen years old. Then again, I don’t know a lot about the wolf shifter world. This is all new to me.

A moment later, the waitress comes with our food. I have an extra plate of chicken strips. My eyes widen as I scoot the plate over to Parker’s side.

Wolf shifter or not, I don’t see how he’s going to be able to eat all that food.


The whole truth.

I sit in the passenger seat of Parker’s Jeep, looking between my house and Parker.

I’m so not ready to get out yet. I’m not ready to have this conversation with my dad.

“Do you want me to come with you?” Parker offers, trying to encourage me.

I shake my head. “No. This is something I need to talk about with my dad alone. If you’re there, I’m not sure that I will get the whole truth. I’m just scared.”

“Why are you scared?” Parker grabs ahold of my hand.

I glance into his blue eyes. “After learning the truth, people don’t stick around. I told you when I was growing up, I had nannies. My dad worked long hours, so somebody had to look after me. But nobody ever stayed more than a month or two. I could hear what they thought of me—I was a freak to them. I would answer their thoughts out loud or ask them about things that I shouldn’t know about. And even if it’s a silly fear, I worry my dad will do the same when he finds out.”

“I didn’t do that,” he says.

I shrug one shoulder. “You didn’tyet.”

“I won’t.” He doesn’t break eye contact as he says it.

I know he means it now, but when they find out what I am, I’ll be gone. Will has already told me what’s going to happen.

I worry my bottom lip between my teeth.

Parker squeezes my hand. “You’ve got this, Henley.”
