Page 68 of Sellout

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Parker. I need Parker.

I reach for my phone to call him, but the screen is black. It’s dead. I vaguely remember the battery being low as I listened to an audiobook earlier. Why didn’t I get up to charge it?

Another pain shoots through me.

I have to get help. I crawl toward the front door. I’m not sure how I’m supposed to make it half a mile to Parker’s house, but I have to try. As I get to the door, I push myself off of the floor, every move I make is agony. Once I’m up, I use my arm to push my weight against the wall. I yank open the door and head outside. I barely make it off the porch before I’m on the ground again.

I scream in pain, but there is nobody around to hear. Unable to take the pressure on my back, I roll onto my stomach. The pain is so intense that when darkness finally comes, I welcome it.

I’m not sure how much time passes before I come to. I’m lying on the ground and the pain in my back is gone, but something is different. I feel a weight pressing against me. I sit up, looking behind me.

My heart races as I seehugeblack wings protruding from my back. They span at least ten feet on each side. Now that I’m aware of them, I canfeelthem. They’re a part of me. I will them to move and they do.

How could I have a whole other body part that I knew nothing about? But now, it feels like I’ve always had them. Like they’re part of me.

What if they’re permanent?

Once again, my heart races faster than I thought possible. If I can’t get them to go away, I can never go around humans again. I’ll never have a normal life.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath. I will for my wings to disappear, but nothing happens I still feel the weight of them on my back. But when I open my eyes, they’re not there. I can feel them, I just can’t see them.

I will for them to reappear and they do.

I should go show Parker…

My stomach sinks as I realize Ican’ttell Parker. After the way my dad reacted today, there is no way that Parker would understand this. He won’t want anything to do with me. Or worse, when I show him he will know exactly what I am. Then I’ll be sent away.

Once again, I will my wings to go away. They disappear at my command. I push myself off the ground. It takes a second to get my balance. Even though my wings aren’t visible, I canfeelthem. They change everything.

What am I supposed to do now?

The next morning, when I wake up, all hope that last night was a dream is completely crushed when I feel the weight on my back. The wings are definitely still there, even if they are hidden. I get ready for school and try to ignore the feeling at my back.

If I had any doubt about me being supernatural before, I definitely don’t now.

Parker shows up right on time. My heart races a little when I hear his Jeep.

Will he be able to tell something is different about me?

Parker gets out to open the passenger side door for me. Before I can climb in, he grabs ahold of my hand. I wonder what he’s doing as he takes a step closer to me. He leans in and puts his nose against my neck. I shiver at his touch, momentarily forgetting about my wings.

He breathes in deeply. “You smell different—stronger.”

“Different how?” I put a hand against the base of my throat, my mind going into full freak out mode.

He can tell.

He has to be able to tell.

I’m going to be exiled.

Will he even let me say goodbye to my dad before he sends me away?

“You smell good, don’t worry.” Parker grins at me. “Kind of like… sugar. Or cotton candy. And you have this smoky undertone. It’s nice, I assure you. You just smell stronger—like a wolf shifter does after they shift for the first time.”

My heart races. “Oh?”

“Did something happen last night?” he asks.
