Page 80 of Sellout

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“I like picking you up.” He gets out of the Jeep. I know better than to get out myself—he wants to open my door.

Some of Parker’s siblings are playing outside. They must be playing tag because Carson is trying to chase Lucy and Dylan, but he’s not as fast as them.

Parker opens the door for me. Once I’m out of the car, he grabs onto my hand, tugging me toward his house.

“Hi, Henley!” Lucy yells as she runs by.

“Hey, Lucy,” I say, as she disappears around the side of the house.

Carson huffs as he tries to catch her.

Inside the house is a lot quieter than outside. It’s nice and warm. And it smells like freshly baked cookies.

With Parker’s hand still in mine, he pulls me up the stairs to his room.

“Your parents don’t mind that I’m here so early?” I ask.

“No.” He leads me inside his room. “I already told you, they like you.”

“I don’t think they like me.” I sit down beside him on the bed. “Maybe your mom does, but your dad doesn’t.”

“I think Dad is worried I will break the no dating rule.” Parker looks away, not making eye contact.

“Should he be worried?” I ask.

Parker’s blue eyes meet mine. “Probably.”

My heart skips a beat.

He clears his throat and looks away.

This is probably very hard on Parker. He’s been taught his whole life to wait on his mate. And then he met me.

This connection that we have is strong. It makes me wonder how strong the connection is between soulmates. How could it possibly be stronger than what Parker and I share?

A little later that afternoon, Parker leads me out to the backyard. A few pack members are already here, so he lets go of my hand. I know it’s against the rules to date somebody who isn’t your mate, so holding hands with me would look really bad for their future alpha. Still, I miss the contact. I like the feeling I get when our skin touches. I wonder if it’s the same for Parker, but I’m scared to ask him.

I’m standing by Parker when a couple of younger boys come up to him. The two are probably twelve or thirteen years old. I don’t think I’ve ever seen them before.

“Parker, you’ll never guess what we saw!” The younger boy talks so fast that it’s hard to understand him.

“What did you see?” Parker asks.

“A dragon!” the other boy shouts.

“Its wings weresobig.”

Parker’s eyes widen. “When and where did you see a dragon?”

“Last night,” one of the boys proclaims. “It hadhugeblack wings. It was flying above pack land.”

My heart races.

Huge black wings.

Did they seeme? Did they mistake me for a dragon? From far away, I’m not sure what I look like. But it’d probably be hard to tell the difference if you weren’t right there.

My stomach churns.
