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He encases my face with his palms, waiting for an answer to a question he hasn’t voiced. The dark pools penetrating my gaze reveal he knows, as well as I do, there’s no returning to friendship if we don’t stop now. I pull his face to mine, wrap my arms around him, and get drunk on his lips. I don’t want to go back.

“You’re sure?” he asks.

“Certain,” I say, reaching into my nightstand and handing him a condom from a pack I bought desperate for this moment.

He fuses his mouth to mine, never pulling away, and lines himself up to finally press into me. The feel of him carries me away to a place I’ve never been, and I’m happy to never return from.

We move wordlessly together, the air punctuated only by our heavy breathing, murmurs between kisses, and moans. Logan’s a verbal lover, and each sound is sexier than the one before. His slow, deliberate thrusts become needy. I dig my fingernails into his ass, demanding he slam our bodies back together with each pull back.

I’m out of breath, pleasure building, when he brings his mouth to graze my ear. “You first,” he murmurs. His words release three months of tension and need as my orgasm rips through my core, the overwhelming feeling coming out in a yell.

Logan obsessively watches ecstasy move through me before thrusting again. He turns onto his side, rearranging us so my back is to his chest, clenching my hip with his fingers, and kissing my back when I look over my shoulder to enjoy his bliss. His pace quickens and his breathing becomes ragged before he heaves forward and bites my shoulder at the release of his own pleasure.

We collapse into a heap of sweet sighs and sweat, waiting for our heart rates to drop. I hang onto Logan for dear life, not wanting to break the trance. As my fatigue propels me to sleep, he rolls out of the bed. I hear his feet pad to the bathroom before rejoining me, pulling the covers over our nakedness and tucking me tight into him.

Chapter 30


Chasecallsmethefirst week of February. Even though he checks in regularly on Rainey and me, and we’ve had monthly home visits, seeing his name pop up on my phone makes me queasy. The fear that something’s gone wrong with my guardianship never ceases.

“Good morning, Noah. Do you have a second to chat?”

“I have a few minutes. I’m waiting on a client, but they’re not here yet.”

“I’ll try to make this quick. Sorry to bother you during your workday.”

“Is everything okay?”

“Yes,” Chase starts, “Nothing’s wrong with your case. But I’m calling to make you aware your brother’s appeal hearing was this morning. I just learned the judge granted him an early release for good behavior and time served.”

“You’re kidding me?” How does a twelve month sentence become less than seven months? And where’s the good behavior? His phone harassment certainly hasn’t felt like good behavior.

“I wish I were,” he sympathizes.

“I know you said he won’t get immediate custody, but . . . now what?” I wish he’d called after my appointment, because all I want to do is curl up in a corner and cry.

“As part of his release, the judge granted supervised visitation. He can see Rainey once a week at a time agreed upon by both of you. Based on the phone calls you’ve had with him while he’s been incarcerated, I suggest meeting in a public place where other wit—,” he stops himself from saying the word ‘witness,’ “People—other people—will be present.”

The thought of seeing Dunbar for the first time in seven months makes my stomach churn. The last time he’d been near me, I’d been forced to scramble out of his holding cell. None of our conversations since have gone any better, and I have no reason to believe seeing him in person will improve that.

“Am I allowed to bring a friend along? Just to be safe?”

“Of course. Maybe have them watch from a safe distance. You don’t want Dunbar to be provoked by feeling watched, but your support will be close by if needed.”

I pray Logan will come along, since my brother doesn’t know what he looks like. I’ll need to make sure Logan can stay calm, though, because he’s not a fan of Dunbar at all.

I know Izabeth will join me if Logan can’t. She’s been swamped with work since taking on the new account, and I barely see her. I know it’s partially my fault because my free time’s been devoted to Logan and having as many repeat performances of our first time together as my body can withstand.

“How will I arrange visitations? Does my brother have a phone?” I didn’t have a number for him before his arrest because his phones kept getting shut off.

“I’ll verify with his attorney and let you know.”

My prospective new client chooses this moment to walk in the doors of our office. I plaster on a smile and wave to them.

“I gotta go.”

Reunification between my brother and my niece has always been my priority, as long as Dunbar can stay clean and provide a safe environment for Rainey. She deserves to be a kid without being exposed to the adult things she’s already seen too soon. I’m no longer sure if it’s something he’ll be able to do, but I desperately hope so. Even when he’s cruel, giving me every reason to walk away, I’ve been his biggest cheerleader. I’m still rooting for his success. I’m just doing it quietly from the back row of the bleachers and not with pom-poms and cartwheels on a gymnasium floor.
