Page 21 of Truth & Lies

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“You’re coming to visit me?” I guess, my voice filled with hope.

“I wish I could. But guess what? Gavin surprised me yesterday with an impromptu wedding!” she cries, and I freeze, a cold chill washing over my body like someone’s just stepped over my grave.

“You didwhat?” I shriek.

“Isn’t it romantic?” Mom’s voice is all dreamy and I clench my teeth in preparation for whatever else she might say. “He organized the dress, the reception, everything. I’m now Mrs. Gavin Barnes.” The joy in her voice makes my heart clench. “The only thing missing was you, sweetheart.”

"I wish I was too, Mom." A bad feeling settles deep in my stomach like a dead weight I can't shake. I need to call Aiden and tell him what's happened, probably Harrison too. This is all progressing scarily fast and I'm even more worried about Mom's safety than ever before. Before I can say anything, she continues.

“We’re going to Bora Bora for our honeymoon tomorrow, but I wanted to share our good news with you, and to let you know I’ll be out of the country for a while.Two weeks!I can’t wait.”

“Mom, I’m worried,” I say before I can stop myself.

“Sweetheart, you don’t need to fret. I’m happy. Finally, happy.”

I bite back a sigh because nobody wants to be the one to cast a shadow over their loved one’s happiness. “I’m glad, Mom, I really am. Just to put my mind at ease, can you please send me your travel details. You know, just in case there is an emergency or something?”

“Of course, baby girl. I’ll send them through today.”That’s something at least.

“I’d almost expected Gavin to surprise me again and fly you in.”

“You know I would have.”Even if the mere thought of returning to Vegas has me breaking out in hives.

“I know, dear. You’ve been looking out for me ever since your father died. Now I have Gavin.”That’s exactly what I’m worried about,I don’t say.

“I’ll always protect you, Mom. It’s my job.”

“Are you sure you’re the child and not the parent?” she teases, the warmth in her voice unmistakable.

“Will you come visit me soon, though? I’d love to see you. I’ll book the ticket and everything.”

“That sounds like a fantastic idea, sweetheart. I can show you all of the pictures from the wedding and our honeymoon.” She sounds ecstatic, and I want to feel happy for her—I probably would if I didn’t have suspicions about Gavin’s intentions. If only I had answers right now.

I sigh and drop my head down to rest on the top of my desk. "I look forward to it," I reply distractedly as all the angles Gavin could have rush through my mind. Money? He has more than enough. The company? Potentially, but you'd think he would want to protect his own assets and wealth considering he has alotmore money than Mom and I put together. He owns a hotel for crying out loud.

“You sound busy, Alyssa, so I’ll let you go, but I’ll call you the minute we get back.”

“Be safe, Mom.”

“Always, Baby girl. Love you.”

“Love you, too,” I say back before the call disconnects and I’m left staring in disbelief at Mom’s news.

When I call Aiden and update him about the quickie wedding, he makes a joke about a shotgun before sharing concerns at the speed at which Gavin went from proposing tomarryingmy mother. But until we have any kind of evidence or dirt against my new stepfather, we agree that there is nothing we can do. Our hands are tied and will be until Harrison gets back to us with something.

Two weeks after that—a month after his last visit—I go to SeaTac to meet Aiden’s flight. I’m the happiest I’ve been for a long time, I’m looking forward to three uninterrupted days with Aiden.

The passengers start to disembark, and I stand there anxiously waiting to see his gorgeous smile again. When I see him, I run straight for him, jumping into his arms and tangling my fingers in his hair before slamming my mouth down on his for a hard, deep, andverythorough welcome back kiss. He drops his bags and grabs my ass, holding me to him as he gives back as good as he gets, smiling against my lips as he does it.

Needing to breathe, I pull my head back to look at him. That's when something—someone—catches my attention behind him and I stop breathing, my body going dead still.

Because the man I’d known as Barrett—the man Aiden told me didn’t exist—is standing right there staring at us, and the look on his face was murderous.


“Aly?” Aiden asks as he drops me slowly to my feet. “What’s wrong?”

I can’t answer him because I’m frozen in place, my anger hitting me hard and fast. I see red.
