Page 28 of Truth & Lies

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I look out over the city and try to work out why I ever thought it was a good idea to come over here.

“Can you tell me one thing?” I ask quietly, my voice wavering.


“Why didn’t you sleep with me?” It’s something that has been bugging me, one of the questions I desperately wanted the answer to, because if Barrett is really the asshole his actions portrayed him to be, then he could’ve just bedded me and left.

“You have no idea how hard it was to walk away from you.” His voice is raw, so much so there’s no doubt in my mind that he’s telling me the truth.

“Why did you then?”

“Because I never wanted you to think I was only looking for a quick lay. You’re worth more than that, Lys.”

“Well at first youwere. . .”

“On the plane, yes. Once you talked to me, no,” he replies with conviction.

It’s true that the brain and the heart—even hormones—can lead you in the wrong direction. By letting Aiden walk away from me, I realize that being here with Barrett is a mistake—staying here more so—so I get up, intent on leaving.

“I need to go. I shouldn’t have come here,” I say to the glass before taking a deep fortifying breath and turning around to face him. He's still sitting in the same spot, except his head is in his hands, his shoulders slumped, and his body language is full of resignation.

I move toward the couch to gather my purse but stop when his arm shoots out and his fingers wrap around my wrist. His grip is firm but gentle, the meaning behind it as clear as day.Stay, don’t go.The moment he touches me, my traitorous body sparks to life the same way it always has with him.

“Alyssa,” he says, his voice so strained it renders me speechless. I wait for him to say more, for the words ‘I’m sorry’ to leave his lips, but they don’t come.

Instead, he stands up and moves close, his body heat radiating through me. I feel like I’m burning up from the inside, my heart pounding as my eyes slowly lift from where he’s touching me up to meet his.

The words Ishouldsay fall by the wayside when I see the raw emotion in his gaze. There's no conflict there anymore, no regret, no sadness, in its place is the same steely determination I saw when he stormed into my hotel room.

His hand loosens before he lightly trails his fingers up the bare skin of my arm, his left hand mirroring the action on the other side, causing goose bumps to follow his touch. He drops his eyes to watch as he trails over my shoulders and down the deepVof my neckline.

“Mark, I—”

His head jerks up, and his eyes flash with heated anger, equal parts hot and thrilling. . “You call me Barrett when I’m touching you.” His voice is rough as he takes the last step to bring his body up against mine. “You call me Barrett when I’m deep inside you.” He moves his hands to cradle my jaw. “And you call me Barrett when I make you scream my name. To you, I’m always going to be Barrett. You’re the only one who gets that part of me. Mark Lucas is my legal name and nothing else.”

Like a moth drawn to a flame, my body leans into his, powerless against this man.

“Only you, Lys,” he murmurs before dipping his chin and gently brushing his lips against mine, then pulling away. He stares deep into my eyes, not holding anything back this time. Then it’s me that moves, touching my lips to his, tracing along the seam and opening mine in silent invitation, one which he accepts with a guttural groan that reverberates right through me.

His tongue dives into my mouth, circling my own before teasing me with a series of short, shallow licks. My arms loop around his neck as one of his snakes down my side, grazing the side of my breast before rounding my hip and curving around my ass. I melt into him, giving up the impossible fight when it comes to him.

It’s just as intense as it is with Aiden, yet so completely different. Where I feel safe with Aiden, Barrett makes me feel vulnerable. Where I feel worshipped by Aiden, Barrett has me feeling like I'm the air he needs to breathe.

With that one kiss, he has me back at his bidding and wanting to hold on tight and never let him go.

His fingers tangle in my hair as he tilts my head and deepens the kiss. It’s like being sucked into a vortex, my body and heart diving in headfirst while my mind is still firmly ensconced on the other side of the safety barrier.

Barrett walks me backward across the living room, all the while still kissing me. With his hand firmly attached to my ass and my lips plastered to his mouth, he guides me through a doorway.

My knees buckle when my legs hit something and I move back, Barrett's hand shooting out to soften my fall against the mattress. Feeling his full weight against me, his heat enveloping me, I give in to temptation and him and switch my brain off completely.

Gripping his hair in my fingers, I hold his mouth to mine, moaning as his hard ridge grinds down against my core. Shockwaves of heat course through my entire body, and my loose grip on control snaps, the air cracking between us as we turn wild. Our hands grab at our clothes, desperate to have nothing between us, not stopping until we’re both naked and rubbing up against each other.

I drag my teeth against his bottom lip as his hands cup my breasts before his head drops down, and he draws my nipple deep. Holding him to my chest, I whimper when his fingers move down between my legs, his thumb circling my clit.

He continues his talented torture, priming my body with his mouth and hands. First, he slides a finger inside me, then two, working his way up to three as he thrusts in and out, my hips matching his rhythm until my climax hits me like a freight train. I cry out his name and scream until his mouth swallows the sound, his tongue rolling over mine as he eases me down from my high.

He pushes himself up, bracing himself on his arms on either side of my body. “Wanna hear that again . . .” he says, his voice low and full of promise. He dips his head and brushes his lips over mine, then down to my chin, my lips, then my chin, moving to the hollow of my throat, the valley between my breasts, then down to my stomach, and finally placing a wet, open-mouthed kiss on my pubic bone before dipping his tongue lower.
