Page 11 of Love & Consequences

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“It's a gift,” I reply dryly, taking another sip of my drink. “But in all seriousness, I'm grateful for this opportunity. It's not often you get a second chance.”

“I hear that. Been there, lived the tale, written the book,” Justin agrees with a wry smile as he swirls the liquor in his glass. “I’m glad I can help you out and pay it forward, as they say. Having someone I can trust by my side and at my back is a bonus.”

I hold up my glass between us. “Happy to be trusted,” I reply, meeting Justin's gaze.

“That mean you're here for the long haul?”

Tilting my head, I arch a brow. “You mean will I marry you? Nope. But if you’re asking whether I’m looking to put down roots and not blow my life up again? For sure. I have a feeling this job is just what I need to get me back on my feet, something I haven't had a reason to do since I left the force.”

“Ah. Now that's something I can help with. If you want security and prospects, stick with me. Deck likes to look after his people. If he likes you, if he trusts you, you're in with him for life.”

“Yet he's still a stranger to me, so as good as that sounds, you've got to let me be the judge of that.” This isn’t Aiden the security guard talking, this is the real me. Not that there’s much difference between the two right now. Even still, I can tell Justin is impressed.

He grins before reaching into his jacket pocket and pulling out his phone. “The man of the hour finally arrives. C'mon, Lawrence. Looks like you'll get your chance to judge the boss now.”

My lips quirk up. “Thought you were the boss?”

Justin snorts and slides off his stool. “Yeah, not when Deck's in the building. Let's go. He wants to meet you.”

I don’t miss the spike of adrenalin coursing through me as we move across the club toward the VIP stairs. I realize that it’s the feeling I’ve been missing, the one you can’t replicate unless it’s in the moment. It’s akin to the thrill of the chase, or the anticipation of trapping someone in a game of chess. This time, the target, the prey, the person I’m looking to outsmart is the man behind Marquis.

I look around, my brows bunching. “How did I miss him come in?” I ask.

Justin chuckles. “Deck’s not the kind of man to walk through the front door if he doesn’t want to. If he wants to make a scene, he’ll do it. But he’ll do it on his terms.”

As we climb the stairs, I can feel Justin's gaze on me. Taking a discreet deep breath when we reach the VIP floor, I fall in step behind him.

But as we approach the huge purple velvet booth with two people sitting in it waiting for us, I realize that this case has just gone sideways.

Because sitting next to Decker is the very last person I'd ever expect to see, and going by the death stare in her eyes, she's just as thrown as I am.

Chapter 4


“J, my man,” Decker booms standing up and pulling him in for a bear hug. “It's good to see you.”

“You too, Deck,” Justin replies, grinning from ear to ear.

Marlee and I stare at each other, but I can’t get a read on her. Her previously long chestnut hair has been dyed to a dusty blonde with platinum highlights. Those deep brown eyes of hers with the flecks of bronze in them shimmer in the flashing lights of the club and are as gorgeous as they’ve ever been, even if they’re brimming with shock and anger. I tear my gaze from hers to fix on Decker just as his attention moves to me. He stands and holds out his hand.

I meet his grip, shaking firmly. “The famous Aiden Lawrence. J here can't stop talking about you.”

Turning toward Justin, I shoot him a questioning look. “Got a crush on me or something, J?”

“Fuck off,” he scoffs, shoulder bumping me with a smirk.

Deck snickers. “Don't worry, your virtue is safe with this one. All he's been going on about is how good it is to have you here.”

“I’ve been here five days so it’s not like I’ve had a chance to solve world hunger or anything yet.”

Decker sits again and looks me up and down. “Don't need more than a few seconds to tell me whether I can trust a man or not. It's all about a vibe.” He looks down at my hand before meeting my eyes. “And the handshake. Since you've passed both checks, how about you sit and join me, J, and the lovely Quinn here for a drink.” He waves over to a server who has been standing sentry against a wall as if dutifully waiting to be summoned while Justin and I take our seats opposite Decker and Quinn.

“Sir?” the server says, her voice shaky.

“Lucy, right?” he says, with a charming smile. This guy knows how to work people. Then again, most criminal masterminds usually do.

“Ye—Yes sir.”
