Page 11 of Just a Wrong Turn

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Liza turned toward him, “We should do something fun… like go bowling!”

Miller let out a chuckle. “Bowling? I thought you were gonna say shopping.”

“Would you go shopping?” Liza arched her back with eyebrows raised.

Miller looked at her again with hisWhat do you think?face.

“I figured. That’s why I suggested bowling.”

“I’ve never been bowling.”

Liza’s eyes went wide. “All the kids hung out at the bowling alley growing up. How did you miss—” Liza trailed off as Miller huffed. In a soft tone she asked, “Why didn’t you though?”

Miller shrugged. “I had better things to do.”

Liza leaned back, crossing her arms in front of her chest. In almost a whisper she quipped, “Or you just used your books as a shield.”

Miller narrowed his eyes on the road.What’s she getting at? Why does she even care? It’s not like we were anything more than classmates. She made that very clear in high school. But… Is she right?Miller always blamed others for being small-minded jerks, but did he ever give them a chance?

Yes. He did. In fact, it was Liza he gave a chance to and she proved what he always knew: It’s common sense to keep your distance from people.They couldn’t hurt you if you never let them in. Look at his parents. Look at Abigail. If you let people get close to you, when they let you down you have to deal with the aftermath—with emotions.

Breaking the silence, he heard Liza say, “Books? I didn’t mean anything by it. I was thinking that maybe you didn’t let yourself have fun in high school because… books were safer. But, maybe you just enjoyed different things than we did. That’s fine. It’s just… this isn’t high school anymore. People change.”

Miller looked over at her from the corner of his eye and noticed she was studying her hands. He knew she wasn’t talking about him or bowling. She was making a case for herself.Has she changed?It doesn’t seem like it. Would I want her to?He liked the Liza he knew in high school. Just not the fact that she cared more about being popular than anything else.

Miller pulled into the vet clinic parking lot. He couldn’t deal with whatever Liza was hinting at. He needed to focus on the present—on helping a dog that was abandoned by his owner. People were confusing, but dogs were straightforward.Stick to dogs,he reminded himself.

“I’ll be back,” Miller said as he opened the truck door.

Liza gave him a solemn nod. When her eyes caught his, it felt like he was staring into the ocean. The depth of her gaze made him pause momentarily. She opened her mouth, but before she could say anything, Miller slammed the door.

Chapter 7


Lizahitherpalmagainst her forehead.Smooth, Liza. Great, instead of apologizing you insulted him…again. Probably blew your chance of him ever forgiving you.She pulled her knees against her chest and closed her eyes. The last time they spoke in high school rushed to her mind.

It was the week of prom, so everyone was full of energy and anticipation. Liza’s boyfriend and the football team’s star running back, Sean Gerrero, had made a big scene in the lunchroom asking her to prom months prior. Now, she was finally going to get to wear the dress she had meticulously designed. It was a bright red, one sleeve cocktail dress that hugged her body tight. The side-skirt overlay flowed dramatically all the way to the floor.

Liza was gazing into her locker daydreaming about finally unveiling her outfit.I can’t wait to see Sean’s reaction… or his physique in his white tux.Her musings were interrupted by a thud and a crash. Liza turned around to see Books kneeling to pick up papers and books scattered around the floor. Liza took a few steps toward him to help when she saw Sean kick one of the books away from Books’ grasp.

She walked up to him and whispered, “Sean, what are you doing?”

“What?” He shrugged. “Books here needs to watch where he’s going. He ran right into me.”

Books glared up at Sean and then his eyes paused on Liza.

Sean glanced between them and then asked boisterously, “Hey Books, do you have a date for prom yet?”

Everyone in the hallway froze and stared in their direction. Sean continued, “That sounds like a no. Any takers? I mean, he’ll probably bore you to death about the”—he deepened his voice— “origins of the promenade.” Returning to his regular octave he continued, “Or how social interactions are a complete waste of time. But, who knows, he might help you ace a test if you give him some.”

The onlookers snickered. Someone murmured loudly, “What a loser.” Liza flinched.Say something Liza.Her heart begged her to stand up for Books, but her brain knew that by doing so she’d make Sean look bad—and possibly lose him. She was paralyzed by indecision.

Books ignored Sean and gathered his belongings. Sean stepped up his showmanship. He walked closer to Books, towering over him. “Well Books, sorry bud. Couldn’t help ya. But, I was thinking… Mrs. Gray in the library might be your date. She’s gotta be in her fifties, but she’s better than nothing. Want me to ask her for you?”

Another round of snickers rose from the crowd. Books stood, his eyes darting around. He reminded Liza of a cornered coyote. Either he was going to fight Sean or flee. When his eyes landed on Liza, she saw a flicker of something… Embarrassment? Hurt? And then in an instant he blinked it away and bolted past her.

Liza hated herself for not saying anything. The whole situation was horrible.How could Sean do that? I don’t want to be with someone who acts like a jerk. But how can I break up with him—especially now? Prom is in three days.She had been looking forward to this day since she first got into fashion. Designing her own prom dress and going with her boyfriend—the most popular guy in school one might add—is what dreams are made of. She couldn’t give it all up, could she? She felt like she was on a boat, crashing over stormy waves. Her stomach churned.
