Page 54 of Just a Wrong Turn

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“Everything I’ve tried to do ends in failure.” He let his eyes drop to the counter. Silence dangled.

Finally, Liza said, “I just read this post on Instagram…” Pulling out her phone, Liza tapped on the app.

Miller groaned and shook his head.

She held up her hand. “Give it a chance. I saved it because it was really inspirational. Okay, here it is. ‘Not all storms come to disrupt your life, some come to clear your path.”

Miller exhaled and then squinted her way.

She was determined to clarify the connection. “So even though you’ve been through some really hard things… maybe they were helping you find your purpose.”

Cocking his head, his expression screamed not-convinced. “Okay, hear me out. If you would’ve gone to an Ivy League school, you wouldn’t have met Captain Tate. And you wouldn’t have adopted Snowdrop. And then you wouldn’t have started the rescue.”

“Which is now burned to the ground,” Miller reminded her.

“Yes,” Liza agreed with an exhale. “But, that doesn’t cancel out all the good you’ve done and all that you’ve learned. If you wouldn’t have started the rescue, I wouldn’t have gotten a second chance to know you.”

Chapter 22


MillerlookedintoLiza’slight-brown eyes, which were glowing in the bar’s faint light. He could honestly say the best thing about the last few months was her.

She looked down at her hands and said softly, “I haven’t ever apologized for how I treated you in high school that day… in the hallway. I’m so sorry.”

Miller shifted uncomfortably on the bar stool. That day had been one of his worst in high school. And that’s saying something because being a socially awkward nerd didn’t really give you much to look forward to as a teenager. But it was only so horrible because he liked Liza so much. And he hated having her see him humiliated by Sean Gerrero.

Liza spoke again. “If it makes you feel any better, after the prom dance, Sean ditched me to go to a college party where he made out with multiple girls.”

Miller shook his head. “I forgive you." A grin tugged at his lips, "And that doesnotmake me feel better. Sean was even denser than I thought if he left you.”

Liza unveiled her perfect white teeth and Miller felt his chest tighten. Making her smile was an adrenaline rush.

Studying her nails, Liza whispered, “I don’t deserve your kindness. I never have. But, I’m so grateful for you.” Then, she glanced to her right. “I’ll prove it.”

Miller furrowed his brow as Liza grabbed her phone and headed to a small corner stage. After typing something on her screen, Miller heard a familiar sound start to play. Liza bobbed her head to the beat before spotting a microphone. After pressing a button, her voice was amplified as she began singing, “It’s a new day, but it all feels old…”

Miller watched in awe as Liza sang every word to Good Charlotte’s,The Anthem. He glanced around to see what the other patrons thought of her impromptu show. Everyone stared, but seemed unenthused.

When Liza got to the chorus, she jumped around in true punk rock, mosh-pit style. Her long black dress bounced in juxtaposition to the song’s vibe. Not to mention, Liza’s off-key scream singing. Miller couldn’t help but crack up at the absurdity.

Suddenly, she made her way over to him. “I don’t ever wanna be yooooouuuuu.” She sang along while pointing at Miller with sass. Then she held the microphone out toward him.

He chuckled and pushed it away. “What are you doing?”

Liza dropped the mic down to her side, a teasing smile plastered across her face. “Serenading you… Is it working?”

Miller tilted his head back and rubbed his jaw. “Yes?” Then he reached out, grasping her wrist. He tugged her towards him. Since he was sitting, and she was standing, she was slightly taller.

Somehow, despite everything, as he looked up at Liza standing inches from him, he couldn’t remember ever feeling so euphoric. Liza leaned forward so their foreheads were touching. Miller closed the gap between them, pressing his lips to hers.

He felt her relax into him. The softness of her skin made him melt like a campfire marshmallow. He was wrapped up in the moment until he heard, “Glad to see all is well here.”

Miller hesitantly pulled away. Captain Tate leaned against the bar in full uniform.

“Haha, yep.” Liza laughed nervously.

“You called her didn’t you?” Miller narrowed his eyes on the captain.
