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“You didn’t answer my question. What’s the transportation plan?”

“You’ll see…”

“I think I’ve had enough surprises this week. Can’t you just tell me?”

“Aren’t surprises more fun though?”

“Not all surprises…” Ada murmured as they got into a black town car waiting for them in the driveway.

“I heard that.” Arlo said, holding the door open for her.

Fifteen minutes later they pulled up to what looked like a parking garage. The driver showed his ID, and then a gate opened letting them inside.

Ada tensed. “Once again, I’m getting kidnappy vibes.”

“Once again, I’m not kidnapping you.”

“I’m not convinced this whole trip isn’t a Truman Show situation. It’s just a matter of time before I find the hidden cameras.”

Arlo just chuckled.

After going up the ramp, the car rolled to a stop at the top floor.

“We’re here.” Arlo opened the door.

“We’re here? If this is a joke, it’s incredibly cruel. And not funny at all.”

“Our transportation is arriving.” Arlo pointed toward the sky. A helicopter barreled their way, slowly lowering onto the cement structure.

Arlo wrapped his arms around Ada to shield her from the wind. He noticed the way her hair swirled, and he swore she leaned into him.

Finally, the helicopter blades stopped rotating.

“After you.” Arlo motioned toward the aircraft.

“No way… We’re seeing Christ the Redeemer by helicopter?”

“Yep.” Arlo smirked.

The pilot handed them headsets as they took their seats.

Ada’s voice rang in his ears. “I can’t believe we’re doing this. I’ve never been in a helicopter before. This week has been a lot of firsts.”

“Hopefully you’re enjoying all of them...”

Ada narrowed her eyes at him. “It’s about fifty-fifty right now.”

He really wanted her to clarify which ones she’d enjoyed.

The helicopter began rising above the ground and then lunged forward. Ada’s hand gripped his leg.

“Sorry,” she said, removing her hand and gazing out the window.

Arlo smiled to himself. He was glad her reaction was to reach for him when she was nervous.

They sat in silence for a few minutes as they flew over the clear blue ocean. Ada spotted what Arlo told her was a pod of dolphins. Ships could be seen dotting the water.

Finally, the helicopter pilot told them they would be approaching Christ the Redeemer shortly.
