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The Uber ride to downtown Big Bear was awkward to say the least. Brooklyn insisted that Arlo squish into the middle seat. Ada kept her arms as close to her side as possible and her gaze straight ahead. If she turned away from the window, she’d be nose-to-nose with Arlo.

As the black compact car sped down the mountain road, Ada tried to take subtle deep breaths. The close quarters and winding roads were making her feel claustrophobic and anxious… not to mention the fact that Arlo smelled like he had freshly applied a manly cologne.

Breathe, Ada. Just breathe.She closed her eyes trying not to think about her current situation.Find your happy place.Sephora came to mind.

“You doing okay?” Arlo gently whispered into her ear.

“Uh huh,” Ada managed.

“Nice and cozy in here, huh?” Arlo continued.

“Yep.” Ada exhaled, hoping he would get the picture that she didn’t feel like chatting at the moment. All her energy was being channeled into keeping her cereal from reappearing.

“Are you sure you’re okay? Your face looks a little… pukey.”

Ada blew out a breath. “What every girl wants to hear.” She pinched the bridge of her nose willing the nausea away.

“No… I just meant…” Arlo fumbled.

“What are you two whispering about over there?” Brooklyn asked.

“Ada feels a little carsick. Let’s try to get her mind off it. Got any good car games?”

“How about Hot Topic? My friends and I play it. Basically, you just get to ask each other random questions.”

“Okay, great,” Arlo agreed.

Ada moaned. She wanted to argue against any talking, but she couldn’t muster the words.

“I’ll go first.” Brooklyn straightened. “What’s the deal with you two? Why are you so weird around each other?”

Silence filled the car like a giant elephant.

Finally, Arlo cleared his throat. “I made a stupid mistake.”

“Uncle A… WHAT did you do?” Brooklyn asked.

Ada focused on her breathing.Arlo can handle this one. He’s the uncle after all. I have zero kid experience other than painting Brooklyn’s nails.

After a moment, he spoke. “We were supposed to meet for dinner and… I forgot.”

Brooklyn leaned forward so she could see Ada. “That’s sus. Did you drag him on your socials?”

Ada felt her lips tugging into a smile. “No. For some reason I didn’t… still could though.”

Then Brooklyn hit Arlo on the arm. “You owe her big time.”

“I tried to apologize,” Arlo defended.

“When? I sat at that restaurant for over an hour waiting for you. And I haven’t heard a word from you at all in the last year.” Ada crossed her arms in front of her chest.

“I texted you, I swear… and I can’t believe you waited at the restaurant that long.” Arlo cringed.

“Neither can I,” Ada chided.

For some reason she had really wanted him to come. Although they only chatted and danced briefly, something about their time together felt like more than a random spark. But maybe she was just caught up in the lingering romance dust from Maggie & Chase. How can someone witness a grand proposal and not feel a little hopeful? It had impacted Ada who was usually immune to all things fanciful.

“Well this is awkward…” Brooklyn commented.
