Page 110 of Does He Know?

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Just as we’re backing out of the driveway, Forrest comes rushing out of the house with his keys in his hands. I see Maddox take them from him before I turn my attention back to Emerson.

“How you feeling, baby girl?” I smooth her hair back out of her eyes.

“I’m fine.”

“Probably,” I agree. “It’s not a risk I’m willing to take. There’s usually a reason for someone fainting out of the blue.”

“It’s called overheating.”

“I love you.” I hug her a little tighter. “Just humor me, okay?”

“Okay,” she concedes. I meet Legend’s eyes in the rearview mirror, and he nods.

“Thanks, Legend,” I tell him. “I appreciate you helping me.”

“We’re all worried about her,” he replies, keeping his eyes on the road.

“Yeah, but other than Monroe, you’re the only one that knows about us. You knew I needed to be the one to take her, to hold her just to feel that she’s safe. So, thank you, brother,” I tell him.

Emerson gives me a questioning glance.

“He did my ink.” She nods. Those four words are enough for her to know I spilled the beans to Legend.

He nods. And we’re quiet for the rest of the drive toward the hospital. I hold Emerson close, and my heart rate starts to slow the closer we get to the hospital. I’m sure she overheated, and if it were anyone other than my girl, I might have said keep a close eye on them and follow up with their doctor. But not with Emerson.

“Hey, Em, I grabbed our cover-ups. I thought you might want to have a little something more on when going into the hospital,” Monroe says once we pull up outside the emergency room.

“Thank you.”

Monroe hands me the cover-up, and I help Emerson slip it over her head. Pushing open the door, she slides across the seat, and I lift her out of the truck. “You okay?”

“I’m fine.”

With my hand on the small of her back, we make our way inside. Her legs are steady, and she really does seem fine. Relief washes over me. We stop at the desk, and she explains what happened.

“You can have one person go back with you.”

“Yeah, that’s not going to work.” Monroe laughs. “There are five of them.” She points to me and Legend. “Her brothers,” she adds, and I cringe at being referred to as her brother, but desperate times call for desperate measures. “Very protective. Can we please just all go back with her? The other three will be here any minute.”

Just then, the door whooshes open. Forrest, Lachlan, and Maddox come stalking into the emergency room, and over to where we’re standing at the desk.

“Told you.” Monroe laughs.

“I really shouldn’t, but it’s slow today, and Dr. Jacobs is on and he’s pretty easygoing. Here’s the deal. I’ll let you all back, but you need to stay out of our way as we take care of the patient, and if anyone asks who gave you permission, you didn’t get it from me.” The young woman gives each of us guys a pointed stare, and we all nod our agreement. “Good. Meet me at those double doors. Quietly,” she adds.

We do as she says. Monroe slides her arm around Emerson’s waist, and the rest of us follow along behind silently like we were told. We’re led into an exam room and are told someone will be in soon.

“How are you feeling, kid?” Forrest asks.

“Honestly, I feel fine. I know you all care about me, and I love you for it, but this is embarrassing. I got too hot and fainted. We’re wasting time and money when we should be enjoying the day.”

“That’s good,” Forrest says, ignoring everything she said.

“Ugh.” Emerson rolls her eyes and crosses her arms over her chest. “Overbearing Neanderthals,” she mutters.

Monroe, who is sitting on the edge of the bed, chuckles, which makes Emerson laugh too. My shoulders relax. She really appears to be doing better. My girl is going to be mad at me for making her do this, but I’ll make it up to her. Nothing a few orgasms can’t fix.

“Knock knock.” The door pushes open and a nurse walks in. “Well, I wasn’t expecting an audience.” She walks over to Emerson. “Are we okay to proceed with everyone present?” she asks.
