Page 34 of Tobias

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“You’re so fucking beautiful,” he said. “I’m crazy about you, Gail. Don’t run on me. Because I’m fucking crazy about you.”

“Oh, Tobias. Me, too. But I can’t…” He held a finger to his lips, kissing her sweetly.

“Listen to me. We will get there. Together. The children thing? I’m not worried about that. Look around you, Gail. We have dozens of children here, and there are thousands who need homes if that’s what we decide to do. Hell, my good friends, the Jordans, triplets mind you, all just gave birth to triplets. Nine babies, Gail! Nine! I’m sure they’d be happy for the help.” She laughed, hugging him tightly.

“I don’t know what I did to deserve you, Tobias, but I will work for the rest of my life to prove that it’s not in vain.”

“Hey, love birds!” yelled Cruz. “It’s fucking cold out here. Get out!”

Gail endured another examination with Lena and Gray, but unfortunately her internal injuries were permanent. The surface injuries were gone. Miraculously healed. The rest would need to be dealt with in a different way.

“You’ll see Rachelle and Ashley at least once a week,” said Gray. “No breaking the appointments. Understand?”

“I understand, Gray. I promise I’ll take this seriously. I know that I have to work through everything. Have you had others that got through it? I mean, I know about Rachelle and Alexandra. Tobias said there were several women who had been through something similar. But, well, I guess I’m wondering your professional opinion. Will I get through it?”

“Honey, we will make sure of it. Take some time and speak to Alexandra, Winter, and Rachelle. I know that Rachelle will be happy to speak with you during your sessions. Listen. Speak. Take it in.” She hugged the woman and left the clinic, only to find a group of women sitting on the porch.

Lauren, Sara, Julia, and Paige helped her to find clothing and then ordered more than she could possibly need. Gwen made sure that she had a gown for Dana and JB’s wedding. She put her things inside Tobias’s cottage, although she supposed that now it was their cottage.

“It’s really lovely,” she said, looking at him. “I can see why you all stay and never leave. It’s more of a home than I ever had. I mean, my parents had mansions and lake houses. Ridiculous things that were more status symbols. But it never felt like home.”

“I’m glad you like it,” he said, kissing her nose. “It’s our home now. Do whatever you like to it to make it yours, ours.”

“I like it just the way it is.”

With all of the surprises, all of the overwhelming welcoming, it was dinner that shocked her most. So much food, so many people, and the holiday decorations were everywhere! Tobias introduced her to everyone, including Rachelle and Alexandra, whom she’d heard so much about. The women were empathetic and willing to talk to her beyond the professional realm, should she ever need it.

When dinner was finished, they made their way back to their cottage. Sitting on the porch were Pigsty and Tanner, waiting to give Tobias some information. Gail went inside, washing her face and getting ready for bed.Hearing a loud thud outside, she looked out the window and saw Wilson, Tailor, Nine, and Miller.

Wilson looked up, shocked to see her face staring at him. In an instant, she knew what they were doing and smiled. He held a finger to his lips, and she nodded.[PC6][MK7]

“Gail?” called Tobias.

“I’m back here,” she said, walking out of the bedroom. “Sorry, I just wanted to get into something comfortable. Can we stay in the same room? I mean, if that’s going to be too hard for you…”

“Don’t,” he said, shaking his head. “I don’t want to be anywhere else. Ever.”

“Who were those men on the porch?”

“Oh, that was Pigsty and Tanner. They’re both operatives but key to our communications team. They’re digging into your father’s business but also the business of Quinn.”

“Hmmm, yes. The Mackenzie Quinn partnership,” she sneered. Tobias looked at her, then tilted his head slightly.

“Gail? Was your father connected to his Irish roots?”

“Yea, very much so. We were always a part of the St. Patrick’s Day parade in New York. My parents gave faithfully to the Catholic church, and we all went to Catholic schools. I mean, no one spoke with an Irish accent or anything, but we were definitely proud of our Irish heritage.”

“And Quinn? Did he have kids that went to school with you?”

“Amy was the only daughter he had, but she didn’t go to school with me. No. I don’t remember any. Maybe he had some others that went to school with Lucas or Phoebe, but Amy is the only one that I knew of. I never met a wife or girlfriend. He never brought anyone to the parties at my parents’ home, and honestly, I didn’t see him as a man who would have anyone permanently by his side. Just a feeling.”

“Was he involved in the parade, the church? Did he ever talk about anything to do with the Irish heritage, clubs of any kind in New York?”

“I honestly don’t know,” she said, shrugging. Tobias just nodded. “Did you find my parents or Phoebe?”

“Not yet, but we will. For now, what do you say we get some sleep?”

“I think that sounds good.”

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