Page 4 of Tobias

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“So, you’re a whore?” he frowned. Gail laughed, shaking her head as she pulled on her boots.

“Why do all guys do that? You sleep with more women than I do men, and yet that’s okay. But when I want the freedom to have fun, you call me a whore.”

“A woman who does one-night stands is a whore.” Gail just shook her head, staring at him.

“Then I guess I’m a whore. And you’re a man-whore. My body. My body choice. My life. So go fuck yourself, Joe. Oh, right. Jim. Joe was last week.” She slammed the door to his apartment, racing out into the street. She was halfway to the train station when she realized she was crying.

“Men are assholes!” she cried out.

“I agree,” smiled the pretty girl next to her.

“Oh, sorry. Just a bad date.”

“I know what you mean. Every guy wants to get in my pants. No one wants to just get to know me,” she said. Gail nodded, giving a tentative smile. Hell, she didn’t want them to get to know her. She wanted sex. Hot, wild, sticky, wet sex. Then, she wanted them to leave her alone.

“I’m Gail.”


They talked the entire time they were on the train. When they realized they needed to go their separate ways, Gail to Connecticut and Dana to Philly, they exchanged numbers and promised to stay in touch.

Gail was surprised when Dana called her two days later, letting her know she’d be in town the following weekend. It was the start of a wonderful friendship. She helped her get through the Miss New York pageant, to which she took third runner-up, much to the disappointment of her mother.

Dana was the best wingman ever. She had a knack for sniffing out creeps and warning Gail to not go with certain men. Sometimes, she was a bit too diligent.

“Gail, I’m worried about you. One of these days, you’re going to meet someone who doesn’t get that you only want one evening. You’re not very big. If someone really wanted to hurt you, they could.”

“You worry too much, Dana. But that’s why I love you,” she said, hugging her friend. “I’ve got pepper spray in my purse, and I run pretty fast. I’ll be fine.”

Dana’s parents were older but had given her a beautiful, wonderful life as her fosters. Gail’s parents were upper-crust New York-Connecticut. They were the family invited to the Governor’s Ball or the Met Gala. They went to charity events dressed in ten-thousand-dollar ball gowns and summered at the Cape. They were definitely from different worlds.

When they finished their degree programs at the same time, they made the decision to celebrate by spending a few days in the Bahamas. They’d spent four days shopping, laying in the sun, eating whatever they wanted, and just having a great time.

Dana had no desire to go out the last night, but Gail convinced her to, working their way to the strip with tourists, bars, and restaurants.

The first two beach bars seemed deserted, with only a few patrons inside. But the third one was a little livelier. A guy with a guitar was strumming beach tunes while hot food was being served as part of the Saturday night happy hour.

“Oooh-la-la,” said Gail, nudging her friend. “Look at those sex-bots. Twins! Dana, they’re twins!”

“I can see that.”

“Oh, one is leaving. Wait, no, he’s not. He’s walking toward me. I’m going to talk to hot stuff. You talk to other hot stuff at the bar.” Dana just stood there, shaking her head. “Go! Look, you’re amazing, and you look it tonight. Just say hello.”

“God, alright. You won’t stop annoying me unless I do.”

Gail watched as Dana walked away, then waited until she was face to face with the hottest man she’d ever seen. He wasn’t just good-looking. He was sexy, built like a brick wall, and there was a commanding air about him.

“Hi there,” she smiled.

“Hello, beautiful,” he grinned, flashing those obscenely white teeth at her. “Let’s dance.” He pulled her onto the dance floor, his hand resting on the top of her firm ass.

“I’m Gail,” she said.


“Tobias. I like that.”

I’ve never fucked a Tobias, she thought. God, he smells good. They danced for ten minutes before Tobias made his move, taking her mouth like he owned it. Gail couldn’t help but follow. Damn, he was good.

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