Page 43 of Tobias

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“These are my new recruits!” said Quinn excitedly, staring at the impressive specimens in front of him. “You must all partake of my protein Xtreme. You certainly have the bodies for it.” His tongue was practically salivating as he stared at Piper, Cait, Lucia, and Addie.

“We use your products,” smiled Rory. “So do our wives.”

“Ah, I see,” he smiled. “Package deals. That’s okay. That could be useful for me in the future. I understand that you’re the man who is a whiz with numbers and investing.” He stared at Jean as he stood, walking toward him. Quinn visibly swallowed, unsure of what to do as Goliath came closer. Jean stared down at him, judging him to be about five-feet-six, with lifts in his shoes. He reached out his massive paw and shook the man’s hand.

“I’m not a whiz. I’m a genius. There’s a difference,” he smirked. “Jean Honeycutt is my name.”

“Yes. If you don’t mind, please back up a bit. I don’t like people too close to me,” he frowned. His face was flushed, and Jean could only smirk at him, nodding.

“Of course. I never meant to make you uncomfortable.”

“Are you guys taking steroids?” he asked.

“We’re clean. All of us,” said Piper. “We’re happy to take any tests you need us to take. We’re fans of your products and systems and just want to work in an environment where our skills will be utilized.”

“And you all came in together?” he asked suspiciously.

“As my husband said,” smiled Piper, “we’re all friends. We ran a gym together in Pennsylvania, but our lease ended, and we couldn’t get another. Rory and I are married, Cait and Axel, Jean and Addie, Lars and Lucia. King is our only bachelor in the group, but we’re working on finding him Mrs. Right.”

“Mrs. Right isn’t all it’s cracked up to be,” smirked Quinn. “No offense to all of you. Sometimes, it’s better if it’s just you to worry about. You know what I mean?” King nodded, flashing that big, bright smile of his.

“Sir, I’m sorry to interrupt, but there’s a problem at Delhi.”

“Take care of it,” he frowned.

“Sir, I think you may want to take care of this,” said the man.

“Excuse me one moment.” He stepped out of the conference room, and they all looked at one another, then spoke in casual conversation. They were almost certain that they were being recorded. Next time, they would damn sure make certain that the electronics were interfered with.

“I’m sorry, but business is calling. I need to visit one of my restaurants. It appears there are some, challenges. Mike will show you around. You,” he said, pointing to Jean. “I’ll use you for many things, but get him in to take a look at the investments and the books. Make sure they all sign a confidentiality agreement before you begin.

“Ladies, I look forward to seeing you at one of my upcoming parties. Perhaps after the holidays.” He scurried off, and they all gave a little shudder, glad he was no longer in the room.

“If you’ll come with me, I’ll show you where everything is. You’ll have a private office to be able to look at the books and the investments. Good luck with that. The rest of you will be taking part in our streaming channel for exercise videos and diet advice. You’ll need to get changed into some of our workout gear.”

“We like our own,” said Rory.

“Boss likes his own.”

“Boss isn’t wearing it,” said Axel. “We’ll wear our own.”

“Your funeral,” shrugged the man. He led them to a massive open floor where lights and cameras were set up in small spaces partitioned off. “We do twenty-two live podcasts per day. The nutrition and exercise specialists give advice to anyone struggling with our programs. You’ll be part of that. It includes demonstrating exercises, answering nutrition questions, giving advice.”

“What kind of advice?”

“Anything from food to sex. We don’t discriminate here. When they log on, they give the right for their image to be used in advertisements or other promotional videos.”

“Even if their question is personal fitness or personal around the exercises themselves? I mean, what if what we’re demonstrating is uncomfortable?” asked Cait.

“Yea, even then. And get comfortable, beautiful.”

“That seems cruel,” said Lucia. “In my experience overweight…”

“Fat,” smirked the man.

“Overweight individuals don’t go to gyms because they’re embarrassed to do certain exercise routines. Why would we film them, making them even more uncomfortable?”
