Page 48 of Tobias

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“What do you mean?” asked Rory.

“Well, he’s cash-strapped all the way. He’s literally robbing Peter to pay Paul, and he knows it. What we didn’t know was that he owes some pretty territorial people. Not only does he have to make seven-figure payments to the boys back home in Eire. He has loans to the Branzino family, the Nguyen family, and get this, the U.S. government.”


“Yea, somehow Mackenzie was able to secure a government loan in the amount of eight-point-nine million, citing that it was an immigrant loan to help start a business. He’s been defaulting on the loan for three months now.”

“He’s in deep shit,” growled Dom. “What did you do?” Jean smiled at them.

“I filled his accounts?”

“You did what?!” they yelled.

“I filled his accounts. Sort of. When Quinn looks at his banking tonight, and he will, he’s going to see the bank account of his dreams. I sent him a message earlier this evening saying I believed there was a problem with the program they were using, and it wasn’t showing the true assets of NutriHealth.

“If history tells us anything, Mr. Quinn is going to be writing checks that his ass can’t cover. In fact,” said Jean, tapping a few keys, “it appears that he’s ordering new camera equipment, new office furniture. Oh, he also purchased a brand-new Bentley this afternoon. He spent, whoa, more than thirty-seven thousand at Barney’s. And finally, placed an online bet for the game this weekend. A bet he won’t be able to cover.”

“Even if we don’t kill him, someone else will,” smiled Tobias.

“We have a few things you need to be aware of,” said Piper. “I know that Jean sent everything from the servers to our team, but they’re doing more than just filming these poor women and men. The trainers, and I use that term loosely, have some colorful backgrounds. Former convicts, pedophiles, rapists, and, of course, the occasional investor from Wall Street.

“And it’s not just the men. Brooke Davies is a former Pilates instructor and high school English teacher. She was convicted of luring her students to her townhome and giving them private lessons. She filmed them, all of them. Worse is, she taught the boys to use sex toys and torture devices on her. The ones who really got off on it were the ones she filmed the most.”

“Please don’t tell me it was her defense when it went to trial?” said Irish.

“She told the jury that the boys were the ones who tied her up, used the toys on her, whipped her, and then left her there. Of the eleven who filed rape charges against her, only three were admissible,” said Lucia. “She’s going to have a private encounter with me at the party.”

Jean stared at all of them, then turned to Liffey and the others.

“We’ve got tuxes and gowns for everyone. Tobias, you and the others will be attending the party as well, but you’re going to do a little creative divide and conquer.”

“Okay, sounds fun,” he smirked.

“Ladies, remember. You go nowhere without one of us on your arm. Do not let this man or his guests get you alone. Judging by those photos, we know what he does when he can get women alone or separated from the group.

“I’ve arranged for a few extra surprises tonight. His biggest creditors will be in attendance this evening, including the bank that owns the mortgage on his home. By midnight tonight, Eddie Quinn will either be dead or in jail.”

“He’ll be dead,” said Tobias resolutely.

“Dead works for me,” said Jean. “I’m going to take a nap. I’m old, so shut the fuck up. Be ready to leave here at 1730. We’re taking a large limousine bus out to the Hamptons.”

While Jean closed his eyes for a while, the others either spent time with one another, read the information they’d extracted from the computers, or showered and began getting ready.

At precisely 1730, the limousine was ready downstairs. The striking vision of the men and women walking through the hotel lobby had everyone stopping to stare. The men were disturbingly handsome, while the women looked as if they belonged on runways.

Jean had rented fur coats for the women while the men dressed in traditional black tuxedos. The weapons were easily hidden on their bodies, with small cameras placed in the buttons and in the women’s clutches.

“I do have to say,” smirked Cait, “you all look very handsome. I can see why someone would want to film you all naked.”

“Easy, babe. I’m not stripping for anyone but you,” smirked Axel.

“Same,” said Piper. “We had to do that once before.”

“What?” frowned Addie.

“I had a SEAL teammate who committed suicide because he was under the influence of a Colombian drug lord. One of the things he really enjoyed was an adult sex club. It was by invitation only.”

“Oh, God,” muttered Addie.

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