Page 55 of Tobias

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“Oh, Tobias,” she sniffed. “Yes. Yes, I’ll be your wife. I love you. I love you so much!” He lifted her, hugging and kissing her as the women clapped. Grace, Faith, Erin, and Alexandra stared at the island, then at the shacks lining the shore.

“You know what,” smiled Grace. “They’ll tell us when they’re ready. I think we should all get home and be ready for Christmas morning.”

“I agree,” nodded the others. He turned the boat, heading back toward Belle Fleur.

Tobias docked the boat, securing it in the slip. As the others all walked toward their cottages, softly singing Christmas carols, JB and Dana retreated to their home.

Irene and Matthew watched their children making their way home. Laughing and singing Christmas carols.

“Another year, my love,” said Matthew.

“I know. Can you believe it?” she whispered. “We’ve had more years than we deserved, Matthew.”

“Nonsense, my darlin’. You deserve to live on this earth forever. To see what you’ve grown.”

“What we’ve grown,” she smiled, hugging him tighter. “It’s gonna be another long night. I’ve made you some hot cocoa and packed a few snacks. I’ll be waitin’ for you when you get home. Be careful. I love you, my sweet Matthew.”

“Oh, my precious,” he said, kissing her. “Not nearly as much as I love you. I’ll be home soon enough.”

He was gone in the blink of an eye, disappearing into the night. Irene stared up at the sky, seeing the magnificent twinkles of the stars. She looked for the north star and smiled, nodding. Yes, sir. It would always guide him home. Always.

“You okay, Mama?” asked Claudette.

“Oh, I’m perfect, my love. Just perfect. I’ll be makin’ my way back home now. I’ll see y’all in the mornin’.”

Claudette watched as she walked away and then hollered after her.

“Mama? Where is Daddy?”

“Sorry, baby, I can’t hear you. Merry Christmas!” Claudette shook her head, smiling at the older woman.

“Merry Christmas, Mama. Merry Christmas.”
