Page 8 of Tobias

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Gail wanted to push away, but she didn’t want to embarrass him. He hadn’t really done anything wrong. He was just odd. Practically shoved into the back seat, the car sped off, and Gail just stared out the window. When she felt his warm hand on her thigh, she jumped, pushing him back.

“Stop! I’ve made it clear to you I don’t want this date to continue.” She never saw the fist coming toward her. She felt his knuckles connect with her nose, his other hand ripping her panties from her body.

“You don’t seem to get it, sunshine. I bought and paid for you.”

Gail didn’t remember much of anything else. She woke once, lying on an unmade bed. The driver and William were both naked, looking at her body. Beside her was a black satchel, laid out flat on the bed. She felt the bile rising in her chest as she stared at the objects. Objects, no doubt, meant to torture her.

“P-please,” she begged.

“Oh, baby. I’m not nearly done with you yet.”

After that, she lost consciousness and slipped away. When she woke, it was still dark outside, or maybe it had been twenty-four hours. Not hearing anything in the house, she tried to stand, her body crumbling beneath her.

Pushing off the floor, she steadied herself against the bed, then looked down to see the blood trickling down her thighs. Her dress was torn, her clutch sitting on a dirty nightstand. Grabbing the bag, she opened the door and looked down the hallway to see if she could hear anything.

Carefully feeling her way along the wall, she got to the front door and started to open it. Hearing a car pull up, she saw the headlights and moved as fast as she could toward the back door. Exiting the house, she ducked behind the neighbors’ houses, working her way toward anywhere but here.

“Where am I?” she sniffed.

Her face hurt her so badly she could barely breathe, and her body was aching. What had they done to her? Unsure of where she was, she just continued walking until she was too exhausted to move any further. Lying on the concrete, she reached into her bag and couldn’t believe her phone was still there with an adequate charge.

Staring at the device, she wasn’t even sure who to call. Her parents had set up this date. Did they know this would happen? Seeing the text from Tobias, she prayed he might know someone in the area.

“Hello?” He was met with silence, then rustling of fabric and breathing. “Hello?”

“T-Tobias,” whispered the voice.

“Gail? Gail, where are you?”

“Help me.”

The line was still open, but she wouldn’t respond to him. He kept talking to her, telling her everything would be okay. Tobias quickly texted home while leaving the live call open.

“Get a trace on this number. Where is she?”

“She’s about a mile from you,” said Code, tapping into the call. “Looks like she might be in an alleyway behind a convenience store. Do you need help?”

“Not yet.”

Everything inside Tobias just wanted to get there, and it seemed he was driving in quicksand. Seeing the store up ahead, he pulled around behind it and saw the bare legs splayed out in the alley. He couldn’t run fast enough. When he saw the state of her body, he wanted to puke.

“Jesus, Gail, what the fuck happened?” he asked, wiping the blood from her face. Her dress was torn, the earrings she once wore long gone. Torn from her earlobes, the lobes were bleeding as well.

“I-I’m not sure.”

“Who did this to you?” She started to speak, then began crying.

Tobias continued to wipe the blood, then saw the blood between her thighs. He knew she wasn’t a virgin, so the horrible thoughts began invading his brain. His stomach twisted with bile and fear.

“I need to get you to a hospital,” he said.

She nodded, unable to fight it any longer. Carefully lifting her, he settled her in the back of the car and drove the short distance to Miami General. He refused to leave her side through it all. When they did the rape kit, when they examined her, all of it. He wasn’t going to leave her alone.

“May I speak with you outside?” asked the ER doctor. Tobias nodded, stepping outside the room. “She’s been brutally raped, son. Brutally. I don’t know what they were using, but it wasn’t their body parts. They intended to cause as much pain as possible, and they have. Does she have a place to go?”

“Her parents.”

“No,” said the doctor. “She said her parents weren’t a viable option for her.”

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