Page 2 of Daddy on Fire

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Just one dance is all I would allow myself. The spell he cast on the dance floor was way too seductive and intimate to resist. God, what would he be like in bed? After all, did a wedding hookup even count?

When he finally released me from his embrace, he gave me one final lingering look before turning away with a satisfied smirk on his face and disappearing back into the crowd like nothing ever happened, and I’ll be damned if I didn’t feel like running after him.

As the sky grew dark and my head became fuzzy, I peeled away from the celebration to hit the bathroom.

I was taking a risk going by myself because if that damned fire chief showed his face right now, I’d likely try to kiss him.

Of course, after finishing up and opening the bathroom door I ran right smack into his towering physique. “Oof. Sorry.” I made to move around him, but he grabbed my elbows, pinning me in place.

“Don’t be,” he commanded, looking so gorgeous in his black suit that my breath caught in my throat, bringing about a rarity for me:

It left me speechless.

“Are you okay?” He gently tilted my chin up towards him, and I faked composure as I coughed to clear the silence that had taken over.

At that point, I don’t know what came over me, but surely, the glasses of champagne were to blame. I slid my hands toward the crotch of his dress slacks.

“Faith,” he cautioned. “You sure you want to go there? Be a shame to cause a scene at your sister’s wedding.”

“Ugh.” I sighed, disappointed I couldn’t test the theory that firefighters had the best hoses. There was definitely a big bulge there. I’d seen it from the corner of my eye.

He put his arms on my shoulders, keeping me at arm’s length. “I’m happy to go somewhere a little more private with you.” He lowered his mouth to my ear and whispered sternly, “If you promise to be a good girl.”

Look, normally, I can’t stand authority figures, but right there, right then, his nearness was overwhelming, and I longed to dive into him until I forgot about doing things my way for once. I wished he’d show me something only an older man like him could teach me.

I thought fast. “Where did you have in mind?”

“My place,” he said, more strict and serious sounding than I’d ever heard him. “Let your sister and Ava know you’re leaving. I’ll wait for you in the parking lot.”

Looking away was impossible, and there was a heat in my core that I couldn’t ignore. In all my life, I’d never wanted anyone so badly.

I was delighted to learn he lived in a restored farmhouse, and when I stepped into the living room and the lights flickered on, my jaw dropped at the range of books filling an entire wall. “I didn’t realize you read so much,” I said, with my hands firmly planted on my hips.

“You never asked,” he answered, trailing his fingers down my arm, shattering any pretense that I wasn’t lusting after him and fantasizing about the hunger of his kiss. My skin prickled pleasurably beneath his touch, and I gasped.


His large hand took my face and cradled it. “You know what I want from you, Faith, and it’s more than just a hookup. But I’m willing to compromise on one condition.”

The sheer shock of him caused a shudder to run through me, and at that point, I’d have agreed to anything he asked. “What’s that?”

“We do this my way,” he declared matter-of-factly.

I tried to suppress a giggle. Damned champagne. “Which way is that?”

Inexplicably, he led me from the foyer to the carpeted room full of books. “Knees. Now.” The order whooshed past his lips, unrelenting and impossible to disobey.

So, he thinks he can tell me what to do? We’ll see about that. I’d give him something he’d never be able to forget. It was lucky for him I loved sucking cock.

We were held captive by the wild hunger that lay between us, an intense lust that burned like fire. It was carnal. Animalistic. The very best kind. “This is your last warning, Faith. Get on your knees.”

Slowly, I reached down to my hem, pulling my bridesmaid dress off and tossing it onto the couch. The way he husked my name afterwards made me glad I’d opted for my best lingerie for the occasion.

My eyes lingered on his face as I unclasped his belt. He merely had to pop the button and unzip his fly, and then his pants were slipping down. A trim trail of brown hair from navel to the top button captivated me, and the bubbly made me bold. His cock sprung free, mouthwatering in its rigid state. I gasped at the size; he was magnificently thick and aroused, glistening with pre-cum. Before I knew it, I was aching to have every inch of him down my throat, desperate for more until it made me choke.

Before I could express my approval aloud, he shoved the crown past my lips and over my tongue. He made hungry sounds at the back of his throat, held himself buried in place, and I curled my tongue around his velvet stiffness.

I wrapped my hand around its throbbing base, licking up and down the entirety of his shaft until it was wet enough, bobbing my head up and down while making counterstrokes with my hand. The friction was just right, and I kept up a tempo that never failed to make guys lose their shit.
