Page 21 of Daddy on Fire

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“Look at me.” She met my gaze; her emerald eyes were laden with pain, and I wanted to make it all better. We barely knew each other yet now we’d create a life together. “You’re such a pretty angel, but you have so much more. You’ve built an impressive business—you should be proud.”

I held her face tight, eyes locked on hers. “No more fear. No more worry. I’m right here to help you through this.”

My heart raced. She had me completely wrapped around her finger and I wanted to be her daddy more than anything.

“No matter what you decide in the end, angel. I’ll still take care of you and our baby.” My voice cracked with emotion.

I put my arms around her, and my palms clenched together on her lap in possessive prayer. This was a gesture that no other man would ever touch her again.

Now that she was carrying my child, it was my chance to prove I was the right man for her.

She looked so fragile and scared I pulled her close against my chest, holding her tight until all the tension was released from her body. This was it. Not just sex, but something deeper. We were doing this together; I wouldn’t let her face pregnancy, birth, and raising our child alone.

Not on my watch.

Her eyes wide and pleading as she looked at me, lips drawn in a tight line and her forehead creased with worry. “You’re not mad?” she asked.

I shook my head, “Not at all.”

“I was scared to tell you…” I held my tongue as she fumbled for the words. “I have ADHD, and it makes me so scattered sometimes.” Her hands trembled, her gaze downcast in shame. She continued after a long pause. “The doctor said the reason this happened while I was on the pill was because I was so occupied with Clover’s wedding. I messed up and forgot to take them two days in a row. Now I’ve ruined everything.” She bowed her head and stared at the floor, not meeting my stare. I reached out and pulled her close, holding her tightly as tears fell from her eyes.

I spoke slowly, so my words sank in. “I promise to never judge you or punish you for having symptoms of ADHD.”

My stomach churned as I wondered what I could say to make her feel better. “Thank you for sharing your diagnosis with me, princess. I’m honored. There’s no need to be guilty. Pregnancy protection is my responsibility too. We’d both been recently tested, so we thought relying on the pill was enough. But that doesn’t mean the fault’s only yours. I could’ve worn a condom.”

Her collarbones dropped and she chewed on the inside of her lip.

I massaged her tense shoulders. “You’ll be an incredible mom.” The right words finally found me. “There’s no need to rush a decision about us...”

Gradually she relaxed then gave me a small nod saying, “Yes, Daddy.” Her eyes sparkled with playful amusement, the corner of her mouth twitched with a hint of mischief. My pretty, feisty angel was back, and I felt the tension melt away.

I cupped her chin, forcing her to meet my gaze. My lips twitched into a reassuring smile. “Good girl. You trust me and want to do the right thing even when it’s hard. I’m proud of you.”

Time to let her know our casual affair was over. I braced for her reaction when I said we’d start again from the beginning—before we had our fling.

The feelings between us were electric. With every glance at her perfect curves, I felt a tug at my dick, urging me to hold her in my arms, hold her close, and then drill her into the mattress. Now I’d have to allow our relationship to progress gradually instead of diving straight into sex again. Too much hung in the balance to succumb to the heat of the moment.

It felt impossible, yet my gut told me I had to resist.

Fatherhood never crossed my mind before, but now it was all I thought about: bike rides, first days of school, swimming lessons—a future with Faith.

The news of impending parenthood was still ringing in my ears. “It’s going to be okay, princess. We’ll figure this out together.”

I grasped her face tenderly, wanting her to see the truth in my gaze. “Don’t feel alone. I’m here for you and the baby. Anything you need, I’ll take care of it. Both of you—always.”

We were heading towards a future of three and, even though it was still in its infancy, I was already planning our lives together.

I wanted to be there for her. She was still cautious after sharing the news of her pregnancy with me, and her diagnosis on top of it.

Faith stepped away and walked slowly towards the window. She kept her back towards me as she spoke in a quiet voice. “I don’t know what to do now."

I cleared my throat before speaking. “I think we should take it slow," I said softly. “This news is a huge adjustment for both of us, and there's no need to rush anything," I murmured carefully, not wanting her to take things the wrong way and think I no longer wanted her. “We've got a lot to digest here, so the only thing we should be focused on right now is how to be good friends and co-parents."

Faith gave me a speculative nod. We’d said enough and didn't need to further discuss the unspoken understanding between us.

We'd remain platonic.

And though the painful, stone-hard erections would kill me, from now on, we’d take small steps toward building a relationship –– getting to know each other better, learning more about our respective dreams and goals in life, being honest with one another when something wasn't quite right between us.
